Đề cương ôn tập Tiếng Anh 11 HK2 năm 2022 (Hệ 10 Năm) 2022 mới nhất (có đáp án)

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Đề cương ôn tập Tiếng Anh 11 HK2 (Hệ 10 năm) 2022 tham khảo được soạn dưới dạng file word và PDF gồm 5 trang:

2. Choose the sentense that has the same meaning as the orgiginal one

1. Marie prepared her homework carefully. She could answer all the questions and got good marks.

A. Although she prepared her homework carefully, Marie could not answer all the questions and got good marks.

B. Having prepared her homework carefully, Marie could answer all the questions and got good marks.

C. If she had prepared her homework carefully, Marie could have answered all the questions and got good marks.

D. It was because of her careful preparation for the homework, Marie couldn't answer all the questions and got good marks.

2. "After her partner had uninstalled a program, he restarted the computer." has the closest meaning to ____.

A. After had uninstalled a program, her partner restarted the computer,

B. Had uninstalled a program, her partner restarted the computer.

C. Having uninstalled a program, her partner restarted the computer.

D. After uninstalled a program, her partner restarted the computer

3. Having seen people suffer global warming consequences, we decided to reduce carbon footprints.

A. We decided to reduce carbon footprints before seeing people suffer globalwarming consequences.

B. We saw people suffer global warming consequences after we decided to reduce carbon footprints.

C. We decided to cut down on carbon footprints after we saw people suffer global warming consequences.

D. We decided to cut down on carbon footprints before we saw people sufferglobal warming consequences

4. Having seen people suffer global warming consequences, we decided to reduce carbon footprints.

A. We decided to reduce carbon footprints before seeing people suffer globalwarming consequences.

B. We saw people suffer global warming consequences after we decided to reduce carbon footprints.

C. We decided to cut down on carbon footprints after we saw people suffer global warming consequences.

D. We decided to cut down on carbon footprints before we saw people sufferglobal warming consequences.

3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given

Reduce relative clauses using participle phrases

1. The envelop which lies on the table has no stamp on it.

2. The student don't know how to do exercise which were given by the teacher yesterday.

3. The diagrams which were made by young Faraday were sent to Sir Humphry Davy at the end of 1812.

4. The gentleman who lives next door to me is a well-known orator.

5. All the astronauts who are orbiting the earth in space capsules are weightless.

6. All students who don't hand in their papers will fail in the exam.

7. I saw many houses that were destroyed by the storm.

Reduce relative clauses using infninitive

1. My brother is the only one who realized the danger.

2.The last person that we must see is Mr. Smith.

3.He was the first man who flew into space.

4.John was the last man who reached the top of the mountain.

5.My father is the only man who I can count on.

6.The last person who leaves the room must turn off the light.

7. He was the first man who left the burning building

Conditional sentences

Rewrite these sentences by using conditional sentence Type I

1. Turn off all the lights and you will not pay more money. If ...............................................................................................

2. Unless she wears warm clothes, she will have a cold. If .....................................................................................................

3. Be careful or you may have an accident. If .........................................................................................................................

4. Phone your parents or you have a trouble. If .......................................................................................................................

5. Unless she whispers, everyone knows what she is saying. If ...............................................................................................

6. Stay here and you will feel save. If ......................................................................................................................................

7. Pay electricity bill today or your electricity will be cut off. If .............................................................................................

Perfect gerund

1.The students in group 11A planted the most trees in the schoolyard. They were praised for that.


2.Someone had dumped tons of untreated toxic waste into the river. The police suspected FYK company of doing it.


3.She said that she would take responsibility for the project's progress. But then she denied that.


4. He had deserted his ship. He was accused of it. ……………………………………………………………

5.The boys had broken the window. He admitted that. ……………………………………………………………

6. He had been rude to her. He apologized for that. ……………………………………………………………

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thuvienhoclieu .comH NG D NƯỚ Ẫ ÔN T P KI M TRA CU I KÌ 2Ậ Ể ỐMÔN TI NG ANH 11 – CH NG TRẾ ƯƠ Ì NH 10 NĂM NĂM H C 2021-2022ỌI. VOCABULARY & GRAMMARA. VOCABULARY: Unit 6,7,8,9 (t v ng, t lo i, c m đ ng từ ự ừ ạ ụ ộ ừ , gi i tớ ừ )B. GRAMMAR: 1. Present perfect and present perfect continuous ( công th c, cách s d ng, d u hi u nh n bi t)ứ ử ụ ấ ệ ậ ế2. Perfect gerund and perfect participle ( having + pp)4. Reducing relative clauses using participle and to infinitive phrases5. Question tags6. Conditional sentences type 0 and type 1II. PRACTICE EXERCISES A. ListeningB. LanguageI. Pronunciation Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the restChoose the word which is pronounced differently from the rest1. A. herit a geB. excav a teC. gener a teD. st a ge2 . A. n u merous B. lux u ry C. perf u me D. mon u ment3 . A. expect a ncy B. cit a del C. int a ct D. undergradu a te4 A. ener g y B. g enerate C. technolo g y D. assi g nment6 . A. l i veable B. i nhabitant C. env i ronment D. i nformation6. A. det e ct B. s e nsor C. dw e ller D. budg e tChoose the word that has a different stress pattern from the rest in the group1. A. abundant B. magnificent C. imperial D. innovate2. A. scholarship B. demolish C. masterpiece D. infrastructure3. A. infectious B. renewable C. longevity D. meditation4. A. understand B. imperial C. remain D. sustainable5. A. prevent B. injure C. sugar D. fitness 6. A. healthy B. consume C. diet D. headache II.VocabularyMark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1.I can't cope well ____ all the homework I've got to do! A. on B. of C. about D. with2. I believe that the only way for us to reduce global warming is to cut down ________ energy use. A. on B. to C. at D. in3. Many scientists ________ the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase _________ the world's temperatures. A. give/ of B. have/ by C. take/ to D. put/in 4.You have to be highly ____ to do well in these subjects. A. competitive B. competitor C. competition D. competed 5 . The related publications are far too numerous ____ list individually. A. to B. from C. of D. into6. Air water and soil are necessary things to our ________________. A. survivor B. survival C. survivalist D. survive 7. Fast food __________ can increase the risk of obesity and heart disease. A. consumptions B. consuming C. consume D. consumption8. The archaeological ________ that led to the discovery of the ancient city lasted several days. A. excavate B. excavating C. excavations D. excavators9.The greenhouse ____ takes place when certain gases in the atmosphere trap sun's heat. A emission B. gas C. effect D. affect10. Deforestation is one of the biggest environmental threats to the _____ in the world. A infectious disease B. greenhouse gas C. ecological balance D. heat-related illness11. Hoi An Ancient Town is preserved in a remarkably_________ state. A. damaged B. unspoiled C . intact D. unharmed12. It is not easy at all to get a good job without any ______ qualifications. A. academic B. social C. great D. favourite13. At the_____level, you can join three-year or four-year colleges. A. primary B. secondary C. postgraduate D. undergraduate thuvienhoclieu .com Trang 1thuvienhoclieu .com14. When finishing an undergraduate course successfully, students can get a ________. A. master's degree B. doctoral degree C. doctorate D. bachelor's degree15. City ________ can enjoy better health care than people living in the countryside, but they are usually busier and more stressed because of the city’s fast pace of life. A. dwellers B. inhabitants C. infrastructure D. ancestors 16. Scientists working on the site found many ancient tools, tombs, and pottery, and made some important ________ discoveries. A. geological B. archaeological C. exploring D. preservation17.She didn't enjoy the Mediterranean ____ at all; she was seasick most of the time. A. cruise B. tour C. voyage D. trip 18.If you take this medicine, you will ____ quickly. A. get over B. get on C. get up D. get in19. After a lot of discussion, we come up with a final idea of going Bangkok for our summer vacation. A. come up with B. keep pace with C. catch up with D. lose touch with20.The alarming rate of deforestation results ______ damage to the quality of the land. A. in B. from C. fo r D. o n21.Further and higher education colleges offer courses and qualification wide range of vocational and academic subjects at many ____. A. levels B. positions C. standards D. qualities 22. Depending on your nationality, you may be ____ for a loan or financial support from the UK government. A. keen B. eligible C. legal D. capable 23. If there is no pollution, so our city will be sustainable and more___________. A. lives B. liveable C. living D. livelihood24. The original ___________ of this island lived a very simple life. A. inhabitance B. inhabit C. inhabitable D. inhabitants25. There are many ways for us to reduce our ______ .in order to save our environment. A. deforestation B. extinction C. carbon footprint D. diversity26. We will ____ how people can change their daily habbits to reduce their carbonfootprint. A. put out B. point out C. go out D. take outMark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 2 7 .Most of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long was demolished in the early 20th century. A. rebuilt B. pulled down C. put up D. pulled up 2 8 .If we have solar panels on our roofs, we'll be able to generate our own electricity. A. afford B. produce C. manufacture D. light29 . Many species are threatened with extinction due to deforestation and lossof habitat. A. damaged B. spoilt C. treated D. endangered3 0 . We may help to control global warming by reducing carbon footprints in our homes. A. putting up with B. getting down to C. cutting down on D. going back toIII. GrammarChoose the best answer to complete the sentences : 1.Angelina Jolie is a famous actress. She ________ in several films.A. appears B. is appearing C. appeared D. has appeared2 . So far, global warming and its effects ________ the health of older people and children. A. had been threatening B. have been threatening C. threaten D. are threatening 3.This is the first time I ________ here.A. am B. have been C. was D. be4.My father ____ as a teacher for almost thirty years. A. works B. is working C. worked D. has been working 5 He ____ to New York at least three times this year. A. has been going B. was going C. has been D. is going 6.George mentioned _________ in an accident as a child, but he never told us the details. A. having injured B. having been injured C. to have injured D. to have been injured 7.Martin denied _________ the accused man on the day of the crime. A. to see B. of having seen C. to have seen D. having seen8. The public praised the local farmers for _______millions of trees on the surrounding hills. A. being plant B. having planted C. being planted D. having been planted9. We admired the Japanese ___________ the city of Fukushima after the disaster. A. of having rebuilt B. to being rebuilt C. for having rebuilt D. to rebuild 10.The film is good, _______________? A. is it B. are they C. isn’t it D. aren’t they thuvienhoclieu .com Trang 2thuvienhoclieu .com11.The ticket to London doesn’t cost a lot, ______? A. do they B. does it C. is it D. isn’t it12.You have got a new car, _________? A. do you B. don't you C. aren't you D. haven't you13.They used to work as astronauts, ________ A. don't they B. weren't they C. did they D. didn't they14.He seldom goes to the library, ______? A. doesn’t he B. is he C. does he D. isn’t he15.I’m a bit late, ______? A. am not I B. aren’t you C. are you D. aren’t I16.No one is indifferent to praise, ______? A. is one B. isn’t one C. is he D. are they17.Let's begin the meeting, _________? A. don't we B. do us C. won't we D. shall we1 8. If it_____ convenient, let's go out for a drink tonight. A. be B. is C. was D. were19. If you_____ time, please write to me. A. have B. had C. have had D. has20. If you freeze water, it ______________solid. A. became B. become C. becomes D. becoming 21. If I find it, I _____________ you. A. will tell B. would tell C. had told D. told22. I have a message for people __________ by the traffic chaos. A. to delay B. who delay C. delayed D. who delaying23. Melanie was the only person __________ a letter of thanks. A. wrote B. written C. to write D. writing2 4. The pilot was the only man __________ after the crash. A. was rescued B. rescued C. rescuing D. to be rescued2 5. The woman _______next door is a famous singer. A. lives B. who live C. living D. that living 27. The house ______ in the storm has now been rebuilt. A. destroyed B. destroying C. which destroyed D. that is destroyed 28. The man ______ at the blackboard is our teacher. A. stood B. stands C. standing D. to stand 2 9. Tom was the last ______the classroom yesterday. A. to leave B. leaving C. left D. leaves 30. Linda was the last student ______ at the oral exam. A. to be asked B. asking C. asks D. to ask 31. The bridge _____ by French architects is very nice. A. was designed B. designing C. to design D. designed 32. The people __________ for the bus in the rain are getting well A. waiting B. to wait C. waited D. waitC.Reading1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. The program is set up in Cokato, which is (1) ___________ in eastern India on the east bank of the River Hooghly.The city has a population of almost 5 million, the fourth (2) ___________ in India. Volunteers will need to take a taxifrom the airport at their own expense. You will be met by a member of their (3) ___________ and taken to the guesthouse. Volunteers are accommodated in shared rooms and will need to use public transport to get to the various placementsites. (4) ___________ a volunteer in India you must be at least 18 years of age - the upper age limit is 60 and in goodhealth, must be a native speaker of English or can speak English (5) __________, must be enthusiastic and have culturalsensitivity and respect.1. A. located B. laid C. lain D. put2. A. large B. larger C. largest D. the largest3. A. organize B. organization C. ognizable D. organizational4. A. To B. With C. As D. For5. A. quickly B. carefully C. hardly D. fluently2.Read the following passage and choose the best answerAir pollution happens when wastes are poured into the atmosphere and the air becomes contaminated and unpleasantto breathe. There are many causes that lead to air pollution. The most serious cause is the development of industry. Smoke,chemicals, and wastes from factories which consist of Sulphur and nitrogen oxides are dangerous for our health. Burning coal thuvienhoclieu .com Trang 3thuvienhoclieu .comand oil release other gases that are harmful to human. Vehicles, especially cars, help to make our material life morecomfortable and convenient; however, they also account for air pollution in the cities. People all know that they are breathing polluted air but it is difficult for them to choose, fresh air or comfortablematerial life. 1. The word contaminated means ______ A. fresh B. polluted C. harmful D. dangerous2. According to the writer, ______ A. only cars that cause air pollution B. only waste from factories that causes air pollution C. only burning coal that causes air pollution D. there are many causes that lead to air pollution3. Which sentence is NOT true? A. We will stop using cars. B. Cars help to make our material life comfortable. C. Polluted air is unpleasant to breathe. D. Burning coal does harm to us.4. The most serious cause that leads to air pollution is ______ A. vehicles B. industrial development C. gas D. Household garbage5. Cars ______ A. have no relation to air pollution B. make our life more convenient C. do not account for air pollution D. release no harmful smokeD . Writing1.Error Identification.1.The book publishing last week is her first novel about a World Heritage Site in Viet Nam. 2. Amy seems like a bright student. She's always the first to be finished her work. 3. None of your friends (A) really enjoyed (B) themselves (C) at the party, didn’t they ? (D)4. Let’s save (A) by using (B) both sides of the sheet , (C) shall you? (D).5. I f (A) you heat (B) ice-cream, it (C) w ould melt (D) .2. Choose the sentense that has the same meaning as the orgiginal one1. Marie prepared her homework carefully. She could answer all the questions and got good marks.A. Although she prepared her homework carefully, Marie could not answer all the questions and got good marks. B. Having prepared her homework carefully, Marie could answer all the questions and got good marks.C. If she had prepared her homework carefully, Marie could have answered all the questions and got good marks.D. It was because of her careful preparation for the homework, Marie couldn't answer all the questions and got goodmarks.2 . "After her partner had uninstalled a program, he restarted the computer." has the closest meaning to ____.A. After had uninstalled a program, her partner restarted the computer,B. Had uninstalled a program, her partner restarted the computer.C. Having uninstalled a program, her partner restarted the computer.D. After uninstalled a program, her partner restarted the computer3. Having seen people suffer global warming consequences, we decided to reduce carbon footprints .A. We decided to reduce carbon footprints before seeing people suffer globalwarming consequences. B. We saw people suffer global warming consequences after we decided to reduce carbon footprints. C. We decided to cut down on carbon footprints after we saw people suffer global warming consequences. D. We decided to cut down on carbon footprints before we saw people sufferglobal warming consequences4. Having seen people suffer global warming consequences, we decided to reduce carbon footprints .A. We decided to reduce carbon footprints before seeing people suffer globalwarming consequences. B. We saw people suffer global warming consequences after we decided to reduce carbon footprints. C. We decided to cut down on carbon footprints after we saw people suffer global warming consequences. D. We decided to cut down on carbon footprints before we saw people sufferglobal warming consequences.3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words givenReduce relative clauses using participle phrases1. The envelop which lies on the table has no stamp on it.2. The student don't know how to do exercise which were given by the teacher yesterday.3. The diagrams which were made by young Faraday were sent to Sir Humphry Davy at the end of 1812.4. The gentleman who lives next door to me is a well-known orator.5. All the astronauts who are orbiting the earth in space capsules are weightless.6. All students who don't hand in their papers will fail in the exam.7. I saw many houses that were destroyed by the storm.Reduce relative clauses using infninitive1 . My brother is the only one who realized the danger. 2.The last person that we must see is Mr. Smith.3.He was the first man who flew into space.4.John was the last man who reached the top of the mountain.5.My father is the only man who I can count on. thuvienhoclieu .com Trang 4thuvienhoclieu .com6.The last person who leaves the room must turn off the light.7. He was the first man who left the burning buildingConditional sentencesRewrite these sentences by using conditional sentence Type I1. Turn off all the lights and you will not pay more money. If ...............................................................................................2. Unless she wears warm clothes, she will have a cold. If .....................................................................................................3. Be careful or you may have an accident. If ......................................................................................... ............... .................4. Phone your parents or you have a trouble. If ..................................................................................... ............. .....................5. Unless she whispers, everyone knows what she is saying. If ...............................................................................................6. Stay here and you will feel save. If ...................................................................... ............................ ....................................7. Pay electricity bill today or your electricity will be cut off. If .............................................................................................Perfect gerund1. The students in group 11A planted the most trees in the schoolyard. They were praised for that.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2. Someone had dumped tons of untreated toxic waste into the river. The police suspected FYK company of doing it.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3. She said that she would take responsibility for the project's progress. But then she denied that.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4. He had deserted his ship. He was accused of it . ……………………………………………………………5. The boys had broken the window. He admitted that. ……………………………………………………………6. He had been rude to her. He apologized for that. …………………………………………………………… thuvienhoclieu .com Trang 5

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