Ngữ Pháp và Bài Tập Tiếng Anh 5 Unit 12 (Chương trình mới)

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Tags: #Bài tập tiếng anh 5 unit 12#bài tập tiếng anh 5 chương trình mới#bài tập tiếng anh 5 theo từng unit

Mô tả chi tiết

Exercise 3: Match

1. Don’t play with the cat. a. Because you may fall.

2. Where are you, Nam? b. He’s riding his bike too fast.

3. Should she play with the match? c. I’m cooking dinner.

4. Why shouldn’t I run down the stairs? d. OK, I won’t.

5. What is he doing? e. Because she may fall off her bike

and break her arm.

6. Why shouldn’t he play with the stove? f. I’m fall down stairs, Mum.

7. What are you doing, Hoa? g. No, she shouldn’t

8. Why shouldn’t she ride her bike too


h. Because he may get a burn.

Nội dung

Name : ………………Grade 5 Unit 12: DON ’ T RIDE YOUR BIKE TOO FASTBÀI TẬP CƠ BẢNExercise 1: Look and complete1.F………..…... 2.K………..…... 3.S………..…... 4. T………..….. 5. S………..…...6.B………..…... 7.C………..…... 8.S………..…... 9. M………..…... 10.S………..…...Exercise 2: Look and use the word(s) given to complete1. - Why shouldn’t I swim in this river?- Because ………………………………………( drown )2. - Don’t ………………………………….( play ).- OK, I won’t.3. - Why shouldn’t I play with the cat?- Because ……………………………………( scratch )4. - Why shouldn’t I run down the stairs?- Because ……………………………………….( fall ).5. – Don’t …………………………….( stove ).- OK, I won’t.Exercise 3: Match1. Don’t play with the cat. a. Because you may fall.2. Where are you, Nam? b. He’s riding his bike too fast.3. Should she play with the match? c. I’m cooking dinner.4. Why shouldn’t I run down the stairs? d. OK, I won’t.5. What is he doing? e. Because she may fall off her bikeand break her arm.6. Why shouldn’t he play with the stove? f. I’m fall down stairs, Mum.7. What are you doing, Hoa? g. No, she shouldn’t8. Why shouldn’t she ride her bike toofast? h. Because he may get a burn.1…… 2…… 3…… 4…… 5…… 6…… 7…… 8……Exercise 4: Complete the dialogue1use apples sharp kitchen cut notDad: Where are you?Hoa: I’m in the (1)………………………….Dad: What are you doing?Hoa: I’m cutting the (2)………………………….Dad: Don’t (3) ………………….that knife.Hoa: Why (4) ………………….?Dad: Because it is very (5) …………….. You may (6) ………. yourself!Hoa: OK, I won’tExercise 5: Choose the correct answer1. You shouldn’t …………………………( swim/ to swim/ swimming ) too far.2. Tomorrow he …………………………( visit/ will visit/ visi ted ) his classmate.3. Don’t …………………………( play/ to play/ playing ) with the sharp knife.4. He is …………………………( playing/riding/climbing ) wall.5. What …………………………( is/ are/ will ) the students going to do? BÀI TẬP NÂNG CAOExercise 6: Fill in the blank with ONE word1. What are you …………………now? – I’m cutting apples.2. Don’t play…………………matches! – OK, I won’t.3. He shouldn’t climb the wall because he may ……………and break his arm.4. You may fall …………………your bike.5. You shoulrn’t play with fire because you may get a …………………6. Don’t …………………your car too fast.7. Be carefully! The cat may …………………your face.8. You shouldn’t play with that sharp knife because it’s very…………………Exercise 7. Reorder the words to make sentences1. I / shouldn't / climb / Why / tree? / that=> ………………………………………………………………………………2. run / Nga / Is / going / the / to / down / stairs?=> ………………………………………………………………………………3. scratch / Don't / the / neighbour's / it / because / cat / you. / may / play / with=> ………………………………………………………………………………4.too / her / Why / fast. / ride / bike / sister / shouldn't / your=> ………………………………………………………………………………5. ride / shouldn / wear / you / motorbike. / your / helmet / You / when / a=> ………………………………………………………………………………6. drown. / lake / the / she / She / into / shouldn't / may / because / jump=> ………………………………………………………………………………7. his / He / off / and / his / bike / broke / fall / leg.=> ………………………………………………………………………………28. to / his / driving / he / car / Is / cirty / the / centre?=> ………………………………………………………………………………9.the / pick / grapes. / to / to / climb / She / is / same / tree / going=> ………………………………………………………………………………10. for / river. / is / to / this / dangerous / in / It / very / you / swim=> ………………………………………………………………………………Exercise 8: Use the words given to make sentences1. she/ cut/ the fruit/ the kitchen/ now/.=> ………………………………………………………………………………2. you/ shouldn’t/ go out alone/ evening.=> ………………………………………………………………………………3. not/ play/ the stove/ because/ you/ get/ burn=> ………………………………………………………………………………4. he/ climb/ neighrbor’s/ apple tree/ yesterday/?=> ………………………………………………………………………………5. not/ let/ your children/ play/ the/ kitchen/.=> ………………………………………………………………………………6. what/ you/ doing/ the/ knife/?=> ………………………………………………………………………………7. your son/ going/ run/ down/ stairs/?=> ………………………………………………………………………………8. the children/ their/ bikes/ the town/ now/?=> ………………………………………………………………………………Exercise 9: Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.1. Don’t (play) ………………..over there.2. She (cook) ………………. lunch in the kitchen at the moment.3. Look! He (climb) ……………….the tall tree over there.4. You may (fall) ……………….off your motorbike.5. My sister (go) ……………….to the doctor yesterday because she broken her arm.6. Where is Nam now? – He (watch) ………………. TV in the living room.7. ……………….she (break) ……………….her leg yesterday?8. Where (be) ……………….you last weekend?Exercise 10. Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words given1. He has a pain in his tooth.=> He has………………………………………………………………………2. What’s wrong with your mother?3=> What’s ………………………………………………………………………3. My brother often goes to school on foot.=> My brother …………………………………………………………………4. They took a bus to the city centre.=> They went to .………………………………………………………………5. He had better not ride his bike too fast.=> He ….………………………………………………………………………4

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