Bài tập Bổ trợ Tiếng Anh 5 (Chương trình mới)

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Mô tả chi tiết

Use the words in EXERCISE I to complete the sentences.

1. Quang Nam __________________ is my father’s hometown.

2. My aunt and uncle live in a small __________________ in the countryside.

3. Her family lives on the third __________________ of HAGL Tower.

4. There is a big and tall __________________ in front of my house.

5. Danang is one of the most beautiful __________________ in Vietnam.

6. Their __________________ is 97B, Nguyen Van Cu Street.

7. Truong Son is the longest __________________ in my country.

8. Peter’s __________________ is London City in England

Nội dung

CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO VICTORIATÀI LIỆUBỔ TRỢHan� Ou�5232UNIT 1 1. thành phố: _________ 2. ngôi làng: _________3. tỉnh: _________4. thị trấn: _________5. địa chỉ: _________ 11. núi: _________12. đất nước: _________ 13. yên bình: _________ 14. đông đúc: _________ 15. bận rộn, tấp nập: ________ 6. tòa tháp: _________7. tầng: _________8. đường phố: _________ 9. quê hương: _________ 10. vùng quê: _________ 1. Quang Nam __________________ is my father’s hometown.2. My aunt and uncle live in a small __________________ in the countryside.3. Her family lives on the third __________________ of HAGL Tower.4. There is a big and tall __________________ in front of my house.5. Danang is one of the most beautiful __________________ in Vietnam.6. Their __________________ is 97B, Nguyen Van Cu Street.7. Truong Son is the longest __________________ in my country.8. Peter’s __________________ is London City in England. 1. v i _ _ a g _ 5. _ i t _ 6. t _ w _ 7. _ s _ a n _ 8. s_re_m 2. m _ u n t _ i _ 3. t_ _e_ 4. a_en_e2 Use the words in EXERCISE I to complete the sentences.3 Look and complete.WHAT’S YOUR ADDRESS?UNIT1WHAT’S YOUR ADDRESS?1 Write the words in English.23UNIT 15 Put the words in order to make sentences.1. address/What/Mai’s/is? ________________________________________________2. does/she/Who/with/live ? ________________________________________________3. her/Is/house/beautiful? ________________________________________________4. 56 Nguyen Trai/is/at/Street/It. ________________________________________________5. she/Where/does/live? ________________________________________________6. Danang/hometown/His/city/is.________________________________________________7. hometown/like/What/his/is? ________________________________________________8. small/quiet/a/village/and/It/is. ________________________________________________9. you/Do/your/live/with/parents? ________________________________________________10. are/modern/There/towers/my/in/town. ________________________________________________ 1. old2. small3. far4. short5. early6. city7. quieta. tallb. countrysidec. noisyd. near e. largef. lateg. modern1. ____2. ____3. ____4. ____5. ____6. ____7. ____4 Match the words that have opposite meaning.WHAT’S YOUR ADDRESS?45 1. A. early B. my C. usually D. city2. A. alw ays B. play C. have D. face3. A. l ike B. evening C. dinner D. film4. A. st udy B. surf C. up D. bus5. A. k ind B. ride C. twice D. fishing6. A. come B. once C. bicycle D. centre1. A. after B. morning C. often D. before2. A. homework B. exercise C. afternoon D. centre3. A. library B. information C. cinema D. Internet 4. A. partner B. swimmer C. grandparents D. project1. They usually _____________ early and do morning exercise. A. gets on B. get up C. get on D. gets up2. What _____________ you do after school? – I usually do my homework. A. do B. are C. does D. x3. Mary often _____________ TV after dinner with her parents. A. watch B. to watch C. watches D. watchs4. What does your mother __________ in the evening? – She _________ me with my homework. A. do – help B. do – helps C. does – helps D. does – help5. I sometimes go to the sports centre with my friends _____________ the afternoon. A. on B. at C. with D. in1. The children often (ride) _____________ a bike in the afternoon.2. Her mother always (cook) _____________ dinner after work.3. My brother sometimes (talk) _____________ with friends online in the evening.4. Lily (like – listen) _____________ to music after dinner.5. Tam and her friend always (go) _____________ to school early.1. do/What/after/she/does/school/? _________________________________________________________2. breakfast/have/I/always/big/a. _________________________________________________________3. you/school/Who/with/to/do/go/? _________________________________________________________4. likes/Tim/badminton/playing/. _________________________________________________________5. is/food/This/we/the/eat/way/our/. _________________________________________________________1 Choose the word which the underlined letter is pronounced differently from others. 2 Choose the word which has different stress from others.3 Circle the right option. 4 Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.5 Reorder the words to make sentences.UNIT2I ALWAYS GET UP EARLY. HOW ABOUT YOU?UNIT 2I ALWAYS GET UP EARLY. HOW ABOUT YOU?45UNIT 3WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY? UNIT31. A. b ack B. taxi C. l ast D. p arents2. A. coach B. ancient C. come D. country3. A. w ent B. where C. never D. get4. A. tr ip B. did C. with D. nice5. A. st ay B. watch C. play D. bay1. ____________________________________? I went to Da Nang City last summer.2. ____________________________________? I went by motorbike with my father.3. ____________________________________? I went to see my grandparents.4. ____________________________________? Yes, I did. It was fantastic. Did you enjoy the trip? Who did you go to see?Where did you go on holiday? How did you get there?1. by taxi, by train, ______________________________________________________2. last summer, last ______________________________________________________3. went, came, ________________________________________________________4. Sam Son Beach, Phu Quoc Island, ________________________________________1 Choose the word which the underlined letter is pronounced differently from others.2 Choose the right question for the underlined part in each sentence.3 Write some more words. Thanh and his parents go back to their hometown to visit his uncle last weekend. He live in a small village in Nam Dinh Province. They went to Ha Noi Railway Station with taxi. Then they took a plane to their hometown. His uncle took them to Vi Xuyen Lake, Rong Market and Thinh Long Beach. They has a wonderful time in their hometower. 1. _________________2. _________________3. _________________4. _________________5. _________________6. _________________4 There’s one mistake in each line. Find them and correct.671. on/Where/you/holiday/were/? ________________________________________________2. to/ I/Dong Xuan/Hoan Kiem/Market/went/and/Lake/ ________________________________________________3. you/go/Where/summer/last/did/? ________________________________________________ 1. Where’s Thanh’s hometown? ________________________________________________2. How did they get to Ha Noi Railway Station?________________________________________________3. Did they go to their hometown by coach? ________________________________________________4. Where did they go in Nam Dinh Province? _________________________________________________5. What was the trip like? _________________________________________________6 Reorder the words to make sentences.5 Read the text above again and answer the questions.UNIT 3WHERE DID YOU GO ON HOLIDAY?675 Read the text above again and answer the questions.1. A. like B. did C. sang D. got2. A. breakfast B. lunch C. afternoon D. dinner3. A. enjoy B. chat C. book fair D. join4. A. eat B. invited C. went D. bought5. A. ancient B. modern C. crowded D. town6. A. cartoon B. story book C. comic D. detective story7. A. sports festival B. book fair C. join D. funfair8. A. always B. twice C. usually D. never9. A. once B. two C. nine D. eleven10. A. how often B. how C. who D. hello1. My birthday party had lots of fun. My friends _______________ it. (repeated/enjoyed/had/sang)2. Mai has a lot of friends. Last Sunday she _______________ them to her birthday party. ( returned/completed/invited/played)3. To remember English words, I listen and .__________________ them a lot of time.(complete/finish/begin/repeat)4. I travelled from Ha Noi to Bangkok, Thailand by ______________. (horse/bicycle/underground/plane)5. They didn’t _____________ on a trip to their hometown yesterday because it rained heavily. (travel/have/go/get)6. My friends live in 32 Flat on the _____________ floor of Ha Noi Tower. (five/fif/fiveth/fifth)7. We ___________ go to the cinema at the weekends. (one/two/twice/sometimes)8. I always get __________________ after brushing my teeth and washing my face.(lunch/up/dressed/on)9. He _______________ his homework last Sunday, but today he left it at home. (returned/completed/started/enjoyed)10. Yesterday, school finished at 4.50 p.m. We _______________ home at 5.15 p.m. (returned/invited/cooked/played)1 Odd one out:2 Choose the best answer.DID YOU GO TO THE PARTY?UNIT 4DID YOU GO TO THE PARTY?UNIT4893 Read and match.4 Arrange words to make meaningful sentences.1. went 2. listened 3. sang4. played 5. did6. completed 7. watched 8. enjoyed 1. ____2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____5. ____6. ____7. ____8. ____ a. hide-and-seek b. cartoons on TVc. the partyd. homework e. on a picnicf. English songsg. to the radioh. morning exercise1. get up/breakfast/time/father/and/your/have/What/does ? _____________________________________________________________2. country/it’s/in/house/the/is/small/Ha’s/and. _____________________________________________________________3. cities/there/country/How/are/your/in/many? _____________________________________________________________4. island/get/did/family/How/your/to/Phu Quoc/? _____________________________________________________________5. every/school/Jane/morning/eight/to/o’clock/goes/at . _____________________________________________________________6. in the city/in the country/Hung/or/Does/live? _____________________________________________________________7. part/in/festival/Did/the/sports/you/take/? _____________________________________________________________8. Hoa/birthday/to/her/invited/Minh/party/. _____________________________________________________________9. Birthday/went/My/my/family/to/cousin’s/party/night/last/._____________________________________________________________10. What/do/Mid-Autumn Festival/you/did/on? _____________________________________________________________11. by/classmates/on/trip/zoo/My/a/went/to/the/bus/. _____________________________________________________________12. enjoyed/We/the/and/food/at/drinks/the/party/. _____________________________________________________________UNIT 4DID YOU GO TO THE PARTY?891. Where _________ you born? Where _________ your mother born?2. When _________ you start school?3. How many schools _________ you go to?4. What _________ your favourite subject?5. Where _________ you live when you _________ a child?6. _________ they live in a house or a flat?7. I _________ at home to help my parents.8. What _________ the trip like? Her name is Lan. She lives in a house in the city. Near her house, there is a super -market, a bank, a post office and a clinic. She is a student. She studies at Le Quy Don School. Her house is far from her school so she often goes to school by bike. She goes to school in the afternoon. There is a park in front of the school. There are a lot of trees and flowers in the park. Behind the school, there is a river.1. Lan lives in a house ________________________________________________________2. Near her house, there is ________________________________________________________3. She studies at ________________________________________________________4. She often goes to school by ________________________________________________________5. Behind the school, there is ________________________________________________________5 Put “ did, was or were ” into the brackets.6 Read the passage and complete the statements below.UNIT 4DID YOU GO TO THE PARTY?10111 Fill in the gap with suitable letter.2 Read and match.3 Put the words in correct orders.WHERE WILL YOU BE THISWEEKEND?1. t_in_ 2. m _y 3. _xpl_re 4. c_v_ 5. _oa_6. _ui_d 7. s_nd_as_le 8. i_lan_ 9. se_sid_ 10. w_l_1. Where will you be this weekend?2. Where will Mai be tomorrow?3. Where will Hung be next weekend?4. What will your family do this weekend?5. Will you visit Tuan Chau Island?6. Where will Tom and Peter be next month?7. What will you do at Ha Long Bay?8. Why will you be at home, Hoa? 1. __2. __3. __4. __5. __6. __7. __8. __a. They’ll be by the sea.b. I think I’ll swim in the sea.c. He’ll be in the mountains.d. I don’t know. I may explore the caves.e. Because I have to study.f. I think we will go for a picnic.g. She’ll be on the beach.h. I think I’ll be at home.1. I/the/I’ll/caves/explore/think/. _________________________________________________________________2. know/He/doesn’t/./He/boat/may/the/take/a/trip/islands/around/._________________________________________________________________3. Phuong/,/build/Tuan/and/Hoa/may/beach/sandcastles/the/on/._________________________________________________________________4. My/will/the/family/and/sea/I/swim/in/. _________________________________________________________________5. seaside/They’ll/be/the/on/at/Sunday/. _________________________________________________________________6. islands/She’ll/Monday/visit/the/on/. _________________________________________________________________7. be/Where/will/Saturday/you/on/? _________________________________________________________________8. and/I/think/school/Mai/I/be/at/will/. _________________________________________________________________9. countryside/The/will/month/boys/be/in/the/next/. _________________________________________________________________UNIT 5WHERE WILL YOU BE THIS WEEKEND?UNIT51011WHERE WILL YOU BE THISWEEKEND?a. They’ll be by the sea.b. I think I’ll swim in the sea.c. He’ll be in the mountains.d. I don’t know. I may explore the caves.e. Because I have to study.f. I think we will go for a picnic.g. She’ll be on the beach.h. I think I’ll be at home.10. I/think/tomorrow/I’ll/the/mountains/visit/. _________________________________________________________________11. countryside/We/picnic/will/for/a/in/go/the/. _________________________________________________________________12. week/the/They/seaside/will/be/at/next/. _________________________________________________________________4 Choose the best answer.1. _____________ is your telephone number ? A. When B. Which C. What 2. Her birthday is _____________ Friday, August 20th. A. at B. on C. in 3. _____________ you have a test tomorrow morning ? A. Will B. Do C. Are 4. Will he be free? - _____________ A. No, he won’t B. No, he doesn’t C. No. he isn’t. 5. We will _____________ our old friends next Sunday. A . to meet B. meet C. meeting . 6. _____________ meet at 7.00 p. m . A. Let’s B. Let’s go C. Let 7. Nhat _____________ 9 on his next birthday. A. is B. will C. will be 8. I live _____________ my parents in the countryside. A. on B. with C. to 9. Nga lives _____________ 52 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street. A. at B. on C. in 10. Will you be free tomorrow evening ? - _____________ A. Yes, I will B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I am 11. Where will we meet? - _____________ the cinema. A. In front B. Next C. In front of12. I think she _____________ the party tomorrow. A. will enjoy B. enjoy C. enjoys 13. I will see you _____________ tomorrow. A. on B. Ø C. in 14. Her sister is out when he calls. A. not at home B. not busy C. late 15. I will invite all of my friends _____________ my birthday party. A. to B. Ø C. come UNIT 5WHERE WILL YOU BE THIS WEEKEND?12135 Fill in the gap with “What, Where, When, Who, Why, How, What time ”.6 Fill in the gap with “from, to, on, in, at”.1. _____________ will you do tomorrow? - I will do my homework.2. _____________ will go camping next Sunday? - Nam and Quang will.3. _____________ will we meet? - We will meet at Lan’s house.4. _____________ will you be back? - I will be back at 8 O’clock.5. _____________ will she go to the zoo? - She will go by bus.6. _____________ will your father travel to Ha noi? - He will travel next week.7. _____________ will Nam go to bed early tonight? - Because he will have a test tomorrow.8. _____________ will Nam go to next summer vacation? - I will go to Nha Trang.1. They often go swimming _____________ Sunday.2. The meeting will last _____________ 7a.m _____________ 5p.m.3. She will be 13 _____________ her next birthday.4. We are playing chess _____________ the moment.5. It often rains _____________ July.6. My birthday is _____________ September 3rd.7. The party will start _____________ seven o’clock _____________ the evening.8. He was born _____________ April 2002.16. _____________ you be free to morrow? A. Will B. Are C. Have 17. The book is open in front _____________ her on the desk. A. of B. to C. with18. Will you be free on Sunday? A. not at home B. not busy C. not late 19. You will have _____________ new friends soon. A. lot of B. lots of C. A & B 20. I hope he _____________ to the party. A. will come B. come C. came UNIT 5WHERE WILL YOU BE THIS WEEKEND?12131 Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.2 Choose the correct word or phrase.Phong: I don’t have my (1) _____________ .What do we have today, Minh?Minh: We have Maths, (2) _____________, History and English.Phong: (3) _____________ do we have Physics?Minh: We have it from 7:45 to 8:30.Phong: What (4) _____________ will we have tomorrow?Minh: We (5) _____________ have Geography, Art, Music and Physical Education.Phong: What is your (6) _____________ subject, Minh?Minh: I like Math. It’s (7) _____________ interesting and important subject.Phong: Yes, I like Maths (8) _____________1. He is a student ______ Le Loi School. A. at B. in C. on D. for2. The class ______ at 7 o’clock in the morning. A. starts B. start C. end D. ends3. ______ are you talking to? – I am talking to my friend, Thanh. A. What B. Which C. When D. Who4. ______ do you go to bed?- At half past ten. A. What B. What time C. Where D. When5. ______ does Nga have English? – On Monday and Tuesday. A. How far B. How long C. When D. What time6. ______ lessons do you have today? – We have four lessons. A. How far B. How much C. How many D. What time7. Mai goes to school ______ a week. A. five time B. fifth time C. five D. five times8. How many ______ does Hung have on Wednesday? A. lesson B. lessons C. class D. classroomWhat time too timetable an favorite will Physics lessonsHOW MANY LESSONS DO YOU HAVE TODAY?UNIT 6HOW MANY LESSONS DO YOU HAVE TODAY?UNIT614153 Rewrite the words in correct order to make meaningful sentences.4 Choose the best suitable words to complete the passage.1. favorite/Art/Music/her/subjects/are/and/._________________________________________________________________2. Students/have/on/lessons/Vietnamese/Saturdays/. _________________________________________________________________3. English/have/Students/don’t/on/lessons/Saturdays/. _________________________________________________________________4. have/in/only/on/They/lessons/morning/the/weekdays/. _________________________________________________________________5. Maths/My/times/class/week/have/a/lessons/six/. _________________________________________________________________6. have/in/exams/students/Their/the/May/. _________________________________________________________________7. always/homework/They/their/in/evening/the/do/. _________________________________________________________________8. is/television/moment/She/at/watching/the/. _________________________________________________________________9. does/How/lessons/she/Thursday/many/have/on/? _________________________________________________________________10. They/week/have/times/lessons/three/a/English/. _________________________________________________________________ At school we (1) _____ many things. In Literature, we learn (2) _____ books and write essays. In History, we study past and present (3) _____ in Viet Nam and around the world. In (4) _____ we study different countries and their people. In Physics, we learn about (5) _____ things work. In the (6) _____ class, we study English. We study (7) _____ other things as well, such as Music, Sports and Art. We (8) _____ all of our lessons.1. A. have B. study C. do2. A. with B. at C. about3. A. events B. things C. lessons4. A. Physics B. Geography C. Biology5. A. when B. what C. how6. A. Music B. Language C. Math7. A. much B. many C. any8. A. learn B. enjoy C. haveUNIT 6HOW MANY LESSONS DO YOU HAVE TODAY?14155 Answer questions about you.6 Fill in the blank with suitable preposition (in, on, at, by, from, with, to…)1. When do you have English lessons?_________________________________________________________________ 2. What is your favorite subject?_________________________________________________________________ 3. What do you usually do in your free time?_________________________________________________________________ 4. What do you usually do after school?_________________________________________________________________ 5. How often do you go swimming?_________________________________________________________________ 1. I often go to school _____ bus.2. Their grandparents live _____ 34 Hang Da street.3. Bob and I come _____ the same town but my accent is different _____ his.4. At present, John is staying _____ his brother’s family _____ the city center, very far _____ his parents.5. Thanh is a newcomer _____ class 7D. She sits next _____ my cousin.6. We often go to the concert _____ weekends.7. Are you free _____ Sunday _____ 9 o’clock?8. I want to send _____ my friend this package.9. Daisy gives two stamped envelopes _____ Mary.10. The weather is usually hot _____ summer.UNIT 6HOW MANY LESSONS DO YOU HAVE TODAY?1617HOW DO YOU LEARN ENGLISH?1 Choose the best answer.2 Choose the best answer.3 Match the questions with the suitable answers.A. PRONUNCIATIONB. STRESS1. A. l earn B. read C. speak D. meaning2. A. wr ite B. twice C. stick D. while3. A. f ew B. new C. knew D. email4. A. m oon B. book C. school D. soon5. A. practise B. cartoon C. writing D. story6. A. aloud B. listen C. because D. tomorrow7. A. vocabulary B. important C. communication D. technology1. What foreign _____ do you have at school? A. subject B. song C. language D. book2. I want _______ with my foreign friends Tony. A. to talking B. talking C. talk D. to talk3. They write emails to _____ other every day. A. every B. each C. one D. they4. How do you _________ listening? – I watch English cartoons on TV. A. practise B. learn C. want D. have5. She practices _____ by ______ English short stories. A. reading/read B. reading/reading C. read/reading D. read/read6. We learn English _______ we want to read comic books. A. because B. so C. and D. why7. When I see a new word, I try to guess its _______. A. name B. vocabulary C. meaning D. language1. Why do you learn English?2. How do you learn vocabulary?3. How do you practise speaking?4. Do you write emails to your foreign friends?5. Why does she learn English?6. How does he practise reading? 7. Do they understand each other? a. Because she wants to sing English songs.b. Yes, I do. I write to Linda.c. I write new words in my notebook.d. He reads English comic books.e. Because I want to talk with foreignersf. Yes, they do.g. I speak English with my English teacher.1. __2. __3. __4. __5. __6. __7. __UNIT 7HOW DO YOU LEARN ENGLISH?UNIT716174 Find and correct the mistakes in each sentence.5 Read the conversation and do the tasks.6 Reorder the words to make sentences.a. Complete the conversation with the suitable words.b. Answer the questions below:1. I learn English by speak it every day. ________________2. I want to talk with my friends foreign. ________________3. English is my favorite subjects. ________________4. She wants to watch English cartoons in TV. ________________5. Quan speak English every day to practise speaking. ________________6. I write new words in my notebook and read it aloud. ________________7. How do you practise listening English? ________________Minh: What are you doing, Nam?Nam: I’m (1) _________ my homework. They are English exercises.Minh: Oh, really? I like English.Nam. Well. Me (2) ______. (3) ________ do you learn English?Minh: Because I want (4) ______ be an English teacher.Nam: I learn English (5) ____________ I want to talk with my foreign friend Michael.Minh: How do you practise listening?Nam: I (6) __________ English films on TV and listen to English songs.Minh: Are you good (7) ______ writing?Nam: Yes, I am. I often write emails to Michael.1. What’s Nam doing? _____________________________________________2. Does Minh like English? ________________________________________3. Why does Minh learn English? ____________________________________4. How does Nam practise listening? _________________________________5. Is Nam good at writing? _________________________________________6. Who does Nam often write emails to? ______________________________1. English cartoons on TV/practices listening/Kim/by watching/.____________________________________________________________2. to her friends/learns to write/Lan/by writing emails/.____________________________________________________________3. because/to become an English teacher/Hoa/she wants/learns English .____________________________________________________________4. English stories/by reading/learns to read/Tuan/.____________________________________________________________UNIT 7HOW DO YOU LEARN ENGLISH?1819WHAT ARE YOU READING?1 Odd one out.2 Put the words in correct order.1. A. Tam B. Cam C. Aladdin D. Character2. A. book B. fairy tale C. comic book D. ghost story3. A. hard-working B. like C. kind D. gentle4. A. generous B. cruel C. kind D. clever5. A. read B. had C. bought D. borrowed6. A. fairy tale B. funny story C. short story D. book fair7. A. Magic Lamp B. Snow White C. Aladdin D. Princess Jasmine8. A. Tam B. Cinderella C. Cam D. Cam’s mother9. A. Malaysian B. Vietnamese C. Japanese D. England10. A. An Tiem B. Hung King C. Watermelon D. Fox1. is/gentle/very/Tam/. ____________________________________________________________2. What/you/Quang/reading/,/are/? ____________________________________________________________3. It’s/story/two/about/Vietnamese/a/girls/. ____________________________________________________________ 4. are/Their/Tam/and/names/Cam/. ____________________________________________________________ 5. Story/Her/story/is/The/of/Tam/favorite/and/Cam/. ____________________________________________________________ 6. gentle/Snow/so/White/is/and/kind/. ____________________________________________________________7. clever/Aladdin/is/very/. ____________________________________________________________8. character/Who/the/main/is/? ____________________________________________________________9. borrow/May/book/I/your/? ____________________________________________________________10. What/like/generous/is/he/?/–I/he/is/think/. ____________________________________________________________UNIT 8WHAT ARE YOU READING?UNIT818193 Fill in the blank with a suitable word and then put the sentences in correct order to make a meaningful dialogue. 4 Read and match.a. I see. What are you (1) _____________ now?b. What do you do in your (2) _____________ time?c. No, I don’t. I (3) _____________ reading short stories.d. A Halloween story.e. What are you reading now?f. I read a lot. I like fairy tales.g. (4) ______ White and the (5) ______ Dwafs. What about you? Do you like fairy tales? free Snow like reading seven11. Do/like/you/fairy/comic/tales/like/or/book/?/–I/them/both/of/. ____________________________________________________________12. Fox/Do/like/the/you/?/–clever/Yes,/he/because/is/. ____________________________________________________________ 13. book/What/favorite/is/your/?/–/Lamp/It’s/and/the/Magic/Aladdin/. ____________________________________________________________ 14. Do/your/you/free/read/books/in/time/?/–/do/Yes,/I/. ____________________________________________________________1. What’s An Tiem like?2. Do you like reading fairy tales?3. What’re you reading?4. What’s Snow White like?5. What’s Aladdin like?6. What are the seven Dwarfs like?7. What’s she reading?8. What’s Cam’s mother like?a. He’s a clever boy.b. She’s cruel woman.c. He’s hard working.d. No, I like comic books.e. They are short and generous.f. A funny story.g. She’s beautiful and kind.h. I’m reading The Fox and the Crow.1. __2. __3. __4. __ 5. __6. __7. __8. __UNIT 8WHAT ARE YOU READING?20213 Fill in the blank with suitable words. homework floor will Province times visited with three Primary in My name is Giang. I’m in Class 5B, Dong Da (1) ______________ School. I live with my parents and my sister in Nam Dinh (2) ______________ My address is Flat 11, the third (3) ______________ of Nam Dinh Tower. My city is big, crowded but pretty. I go to school from Monday morning to Friday morning. In the afternoon, I usually do my (4) ______________ Sometimes, I go to the library (5) ______________ my friends. In the evening, I go to English Club on Monday, Thursday and Sunday. I have (6) ______________ lessons today: Vietnamese, English and PE. My favorite subject is Vietnamese. I have it four (7) ______________ a week. Last summer, I went to Ha Noi with my uncle. We (8) ______________ Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Hoan Kiem Lake, Dong Xuan Market and Long Bien Bridge. We took a lot of photos. Next summer, my family (9) ______________ go to Ha Long Bay. We may explore the caves and swim (10) ______________ the sea. We will have a lot of fun.UNIT 8WHAT ARE YOU READING?5 Write about your favorite book.I like reading________________________________________ in my free time.My favorite book is____________________________________.The main character is _________________________________.I like him/her because ________________________________.20211 Fill in the blank with a suitable letter. 2 Chose the word which the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.3 Read and match.4 Put the words in correct order.1. s_o_ly 2. ro_r 3. q_i_tl_ 4. _yth_n5. p_ac_c_ 6. p_nd_ 7. _ov_ 8. l_u_ly 9. _o_il_a 10. b_a_tif_ll_1. A. g o B. show C. hope D. holiday.2. A. ask B. pack C. black D. stamp3. A. c ut B. fun C. music D. club4. A. camping B. ocean C. country D. celebrate5. A. cook B. cake C. cinema D. candy6. A. bl ouse B. trousers C. house D. countryUNIT 9WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO?WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO?1. Where did you go yesterday?2. What did the lions do when you were there?3. When did you go to the zoo?4. Who did you go with?5. Did you see any monkeys?6. What were the elephants like?7. What did you see at the zoo?8. Did you go to the zoo last weekend?9. How did you get there?10. Did you see any tigers? a. Yes, I did. They were really noisy.b. I saw a baby elephant and some other animals.c. They were big and moved slowly.d. They roared loudly.e. Yes, the tigers were very fast.f. I went there at 8 a.m.g. By bus.h. No, I didn’t.i. I went there with my classmates.j. I went to the zoo.1. __2. __3. __4. __5. __6. __7. __ 8. __9. __10. _1. Did/week/you/to/the/go/zoo/,/Phong/last/?_______________________________________________________________ 2. did/the/do/What/when/you/there/peacocks/were/? _______________________________________________________________ 3. pandas/saw/two/at/the/She/zoo/. _______________________________________________________________ 4. are/the/your/zoo/favourite/animals/What/at/? _______________________________________________________________5. moved/The/python/slowly/really/and/quietly/. _______________________________________________________________ UNIT922236. The/slowly/pandas/really/things/cute/were/and/did/. _______________________________________________________________ 7. The/was/moved/quickly/gorillas/Nam/at/the/when/zoo/. _______________________________________________________________ 8. Hung/circus/the/and/I/a/saw/lot/animals/of/in/. _______________________________________________________________9. Mai/fast/the/because/tigers/they/liked/were/. _______________________________________________________________ 10. The/down/monkeys/up/and/very/jumped/quickly/. _______________________________________________________________ 1. ____________ did you go last week?2. I went to the ____________ .3. ____________ did you go to the zoo?4. I went there by ____________ .5. ____________ did you see at the zoo?6. I saw a lot of ____________ .A: I didn’t see you yesterday. Where did you (1) ____________ ?B: I went to the (2) ____________ .A: What did you see there?B: I saw some (3) ____________ . I enjoyed looking at the baby elephant.A: What was it (4) ____________ ?B: It was very (5) ____________ .A: What did it do when you were there?B: It moved (6) ____________ and quietly.1. I/go swimming/yesterday/. 2. Mrs. Nhung/wash/the dishes/. 3. My mother/go shopping/with/friends/in/park. 4. Lan/cook/chicken noodles/dinner. 5. Nam/I/study/hard/last weekend/. 6. My father/play/table tennis/yesterday. 7. Last night/Phong/listen/music/for two hours. 8. They/have/nice/weekend. 9. She/go/supermarket/yesterday. 10. We/not/go/school/last week/.,ZHQWVZLPPLQJ\HVWHUGD\ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________bus what animals zoo how wh\erelike go big slowly zoo anim\als5 Read and complete.6 Write the sentences in the pastsimpleUNIT 9WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO?22231. A. man B. fat C. game D. maths.2. A. learn ed B. turned C. listened D. walked.3. A. sport y B. easy C. why D. country4. A. fr om B. October C. November D. long5. A. w eather B. cream C. health D. headache6. A. c old B. hot C. sore D. body My name is Nam. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I have Maths and Vietnamese every school day. I have English four times a week. English is my favourite subject. I practise reading by reading English comic books and storybooks. Now I can read Aladdin and the Magic Lamp in English. I practise speaking by talking to my foreign friends. Every day, I practise writing English by sending emails to my friend Hakim in Malaysia. I learn English because I want to watch English cartoons on TV.1. How often does Nam have English? _________________________________2. What storybook can he read in English? _________________________________3. How does he practise speaking? _________________________________4. How does he practise writing? _________________________________5. Why does he learn English? _________________________________1 Choose the word which the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.2 Read and write the answers.3 Read and match.WHEN WILL SPORTS DAY BE?1. Where did you go yesterday?2. What did the lions do when you were there?3. When did you go to the zoo?4. Who did you go with?5. Did you see any monkeys?6. What is the elephants like?7. What did you see at the zoo?8. Did you go to the zoo last weekend?9. How did you get there?10. Did you see any tigers?11. When will Sports Day be?12. What are they going to do on Family Day?13. What are you going to do on Sports Day?14. Will Sports Day be this weekend? a. They are going to have a party.b. I saw a baby elephant and some other animals.c. They were big and moved slowly.d. I’m going to play volleyball.e. Yes, the tigers were very fast.f. Yes, it will. We’ll play football.g. By bus.h. No, I didn’t.i. I went there with my classmates.j. I went to the zoo.k. They roared loudly.l. It’ll be on Friday.m. I went there at 8 a.m.n. Yes, I did. They were really noisy.1. ___2. ___ 3. ___4. ___5. ___6. ___ 7. ___8. ___9. ___10. __11. __12. __13. __14. __UNIT 10WHEN WILL SPORTS DAY BE?UNIT1024254 Put the words in correct order.6 Write about you5 Read the text and answer the questions.1. Did/week/you/to/the/go/zoo/,/Phong/last/? ____________________________________________________________ 2. did/the/do/What/when/you/there/peacocks/were/?____________________________________________________________ 3. pandas/saw/two/at/the/She/zoo/.____________________________________________________________ 4. are/the/your/zoo/favourite/animals/What/at/?____________________________________________________________ 5. moved/The/python/slowly/really/and/quietly/.____________________________________________________________ 6. The/was/moved/quickly/gorillas/Nam/at/the/when/zoo/.____________________________________________________________ 7. Hung/circus/the/and/I/a/saw/lot/animals/of/in/.____________________________________________________________ 8. The/down/monkeys/up/and/very/jumped/quickly/.____________________________________________________________1. How often do you have English? __________________________________2. How do you learn English? ______________________________________3. What is your favourite book? Who’s the main character in your favourite book? What’s he/she like?_____________________________________________________________________4. What did you see at the zoo last time? _____________________________5. What are you going to do on Sports Day? ___________________________ We go to school (1) ______ days a week, from Monday to Friday, and we have a lot of subjects at school such as Math, Literature, English, Geography, and so on. I always try my best to study all, especially English because it’s my (2) ______ subject .Math is a little difficult but (3) ______ However, I don’t like Literature very much (4) ________ the teacher gives us so many exercises. I’m not very good at Computer Science, so I’m really afraid (5) ______ this subject. Physics, Geography and History are the most useful subjects to me. We learn about the world, about life and nature. I’m rather interested in these subjects. 1. A. seven B. four C. five D. six 2. A. lovely B. likely C. favorite D. interesting3. A. easy B. good C. lovely D. interesting 4. A. because B. but C. then D. and 5. A. for B. at C. of D. on UNIT 10WHEN WILL SPORTS DAY BE?24251 Complete the words. 2 Find the odd one out.3 Read and match.4 Put the words in order to make sentences.1. to_tha_he 2. f_v_r 3. e_rac_e 4. _tom_chac_e5. p_in 6. s_re t_roat 7. fl_ 8. h_ad_che 9. _atte_ 10. s_ou_d 11. c_rry 12. b_cka_he 13. d_nt_st 14. w_ll 15. do_to_ 1. A. cough B. weak C. headache D. sore throat2. A. sunburn B. toothache C. earache D. unhealthy3. A. sick B. temperature C. tired D. weak4. A. flu B. stomachache C. cold D. fat5. A. sleep B. happy C. live D. smile6. A. feel B. healthy C. well D. tired 7. A. fat B. big C. matter D. small8. A. fever B. dentist C. nurse D. doctorUNIT 11WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH YOU?WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH YOU?1. What’s the matter with you?2. Nam has a toothache.3. Phong has a fever.4. Mai has a stomach ache5. Quan’s grandmother has a backache.6. Miss Hien has a sore throat.7. My mother has a headache.8. His brother has sore eyes. a. She shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets.b. I have a headache.c. She shouldn’t carry heavy things.d. He should go to the dentist.e. He should stay in bed.f. She should take a rest.g. He shouldn’t watch much TV.h. She should take some warm water.1. __2. __3. __4. __5. __6. __ 7. __8. __1. What’s/your/the/with/matter/mother/? ____________________________________________________________2. I/a/throat/sore/have/. ____________________________________________________________3. eat/I/speak/can/not/or/. ____________________________________________________________4. You/doctor/should/to/the/go/. ____________________________________________________________5. eat/You/shouldn’t/ice-cream. ____________________________________________________________6. to/should/go/the/He/dentist/. ____________________________________________________________7. should/Mr. Tuan/a/take/rest/.____________________________________________________________8. He/heavy/carry/shouldn’t/things/. ____________________________________________________________UNIT11

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