Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi Tiếng anh 8 - Chuyên đề Verb tense

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Tags: #Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi Tiếng anh 8#Phrase of result#ngữ pháp tiếng anh 8#verbs tense#tổng hợp các thì trong tiếng anh

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Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi Tiếng anh 8 - Chuyên đề Phrase of resultChuyên đề Verb tensen đề bồi dưỡng HSG anh 8. Chuyên đề bồi dưỡng HSG anh 8 là tài liệu tốt giúp các thầy cô tham khảo trong quá trình dạy HSG anh 8 năm học 2021 2022.

Nội dung

PART I VERB TENSESThì / Dạng 1.SIMPLE PRESENT 3. SIMPLE PAST Khẳng định S + V [ -s /- es] S + V -ed / V2Phủ định S + don’t / doesn’t + V (bare-inf) S + didn’t +V (bare-inf)Nghi vấn Do / Does + S + V (bare-inf)) Did + S + V (bare-inf) …?Bị động …am / is / are + V-ed / V3 ...was / were + V-ed / V3Nhận biếtCách dùng -always, usually, occasionally, often…-every: every day, every year …-once / twice / 3 times…Diễn tả một chân lý, một sự thật hiểnnhiên.-Một thói quen, một hành đỗng xảy rathường xuyên ở hiện tại.-Hành động, sự việc tương lai sẽ xảy ra theo thời gian biểu hoặc chương trình, kế hoạch đã định theo thời gian biểu. -yesterday, ago-last: last week , last Monday …-in the past.Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ, chấm dứt rồi & biết rõ thời gian.Hành động xảy ra suốt một khoảng thờigian trong quá khứ, nhưng nay đã hoàn toàn chám dứt.Thì / Dạng 2. PRESENT CONTINUOUS 4. PAST CONTINUOUSKhẳng định S + am / is / are +V-ing S + was / were + V-ingPhủ định S + am not / isn’t / aren’t +V-ing S + wasn’t / weren’t + V-ingNghi vấn Am / Is / Are + S + V-ing …? Was / Were + S + V-ing …?Bị động …am / is / are +being + V-ed /V3 …was / were + being + V-ed / V3 Nhận biếtCách dùng - now, at present-at the / this moment-Sau câu mệnh lệnh :Look! The bus is coming-Diễn tả một hành động đang diễn rangay lúc nóiMột hành động sắp xảy ra (tương lai gần).diễn tả 1sự sắp xếp hoặc 1 kế hoạch đã định - At that moment-When / As + (simple past) :-While :It began to rain while I was playing soccer -Hành động xảy ra & kéo dài một thời gian ở quá khứ-Hành động đang xảy ra vào một thời điểm ở quá khứ-Hành động đang xảy ra trong quá khứ thì có một hành động khác xen vào-Hai hành động xảy ra song song cùng một lúc ở QKThì / Dạng 5. PRESENT PERFECT 6. SIMPLE FUTURE Khẳng định S + has / have + V-ed/ Vpp S + will + V ( inf)Phủ định S + hasn’t / haven’t + V-ed/V-pp S + won’t + V (inf)Nghi vấn Has / Have + S + V-ed/Vpp…? Will + S + V (inf)…?Bị động …has / have + been + V-ed / V3 …will be + V-ed / V3Nhận biếtCách dùng -just, already, ever, yet, recently, lately-since, for -so far, up to now, from then -Một hành động, 1 sự việc mới vừa xảy ra-Hành động bắt đầu ở quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có khả năng tiếp tục ở tương lai.-Hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng thời gian không rõ ràng.-Một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng kết quả vẫn còn ở hiện tại. - tomorrow-next…. : next week, next month-in the future -Diễn tả một hành động sẽ xảy ra ở trong TL-Diển đạt ý kiến, đưa ra 1 lời hứa hoặc 1 quyết định tức thìThì / Dạng 7. NEAR FUTURE Diễn tả 1 hành động sắp sửa xảy ra hoặc 1 dự Khẳng định S + am / is / are + going to +V định sắp tới (thường trong câu không có cụm Phủ định S + am / is / are + not + going to +V thời gian) Nghi vấn Am / is / are + S+ going to + V …?Bị động am / is / are going to be + V-ed / V3Give the correct tense of the verb in brackets :1.Look ! A man ( run)…..........…….....……..after the bus. He (want) …….……….to catch it.2.The baby (cry) ……........……………….because he is hungry now.3.Tom is ill now. He (become) …..…………… ill 3 days ago. He (be) …….......…..………. ill.4.It ( rain) ………..............……..…now. It ( rain) ………......……………..for four hours.5.I (stay) ……….....……….. until you (come) …………………… tomorrow. 6.This is the best wine I (drink) …………………….7.He is reading “WAR AND PEACE ”. How long ……........… she ……....……….(read) ?8.Shakespeare (write) ......……....…………. a lot of plays.9.I’m busy at the moment. I (decorate) ….......................………………….. the sitting room. 10.I (buy) ………...…… a new house last year, but I (not sell) ……....………….. my old house yet, so at the moment I ( have) …………....…… two houses.11.The boys (play) ………………. cards when they (hear) ……...…….. their father’s step. They immediately (hide)………. .....…. the cards and (take) ……………… out their lesson books.12.When I (look) …….....…………… for my passport (hộ chiếu) I (see)……......…… this old photograph13.He (lose) ……...…....…… his job last month and since then he (be) …..........…………… out of work14.Mr Pound is the bank manager. He (be) ……….......………….. here for 5 years.15. ………. you (have)…………. breakfast yet ? - Yes, I (have) …......……….it at 8 o’clock.16.Tom (not go) ………….......……… out since he (fail) ……………… in his exam.17.I (not wear) ………...……………. that skirt since Mary’s birthday.18.It started to rain while you (sleep) …........……………….19.He (cross) ………….......……….. the street when I (see) …....…………him yesterday.20.He (leave) ……....………home 2 weeks ago and we (not hear) …….......………..from him since.21.What……...…. you (do) ………...……. at that time last week ?22.Last Sunday, An (watch) …….......……………... TV when Tom (come) …....…………here.23.John (do) ……...……………… his homework already.24.Yesterday while I (water) ……….....………….the garden, it (begin) …...…………. to rain.25.He (read) …………....…………. 53 pages so far26………....… he (write) …………….. a novel at present ?27.They (not speak)…………….........……… to each other since they quarreled.28.Listen ! Somebody (knock) ……….............………….. the door.29.Please don’t say anything while I (learn) ….............…………………. my lesson.30.Up to now, I (do) …...............………………. every exercise in this book.31.Mrs Green (take) ……................……………Alice to the dentist’s many times.32.Where was Jack at that time ? - He (listen) ……...........…………….to the radio in the living room.33.Don’t make much noise ! Our mother (sleep) …………………....................34.I (read) …….....………….. that book 3 or 4 times before.35.I (not get) ……………....………. up until 8 o’clock yesterday morning.36.She (stay) ………....…… with her parents at the moment though(mặc dù)she (have)…..……. her own flat37.As I (cross)………………. the road I (step) ……...… on a banana skin and (fall) …...….… heavily.38.He usually wears sandals but when I saw him he (wear) …...........……………. boots.39.Have you ever been to Europe (Châu Âu) ?- Yes, I (have) ……..…….. I (be) ……………to Europe several times. I (be) …….in Europe last year.40.Did you remember to book seats ?- Oh, no, I forgot. I (telephone) ………........………….. for them now.41.Leave a note for them on the table and they ( see) ………………. …….it when they come.42. I’m afraid. I’m not quite ready. – Never mind. I (wait) …………………...............43.Don’t make a sound or you (wake) ………...........………. the baby.44.You (not be) ………............……………. here for ages.45.You already ( drink) ……………...........….. four cups of teas since I (sit) ………………… here.46.The old man (fall) ……….......………as he (get) ……………..into the bus.47.What ………... you (do)……...…… between 9:00 and 10:00 yesterday ?- I (clean) ………............………. my house. I usually clean my house on Saturday morning.48.Where is Nick ? - He just (go) ….........…………..out49.That tree makes the house very dark. – Very well, I (cut) ……….......……… it down.50. What ………......... you (do) …...........……. at this time yesterday ?51.I’ve decided to repaint this room.- Oh, have you ? What color …....…… you (paint)…..........……… …?52.Tom (take) …..……….. . a photograph of me while I (not look) ………....……………..53.I (break) ………....……….. a plate last night. I (do) …....……………. the washing up. 54.What …… you (do) ………………. when you grow up ? - I (be) ….......……………….. an architect.55.She’s on holiday. She (go) …...……………… to Italy56.Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it anywhere. He (lose) …….......…………… his key.57.I (not go) …............…………… out because it (rain) …………………. yesterday.58.I (see) …….....…… Carol at the party last night. She (wear) …….....………. a really beautiful dress.59.If if (rain) ....……………. tomorrow, I (not go) …………………. out 60.I’m going away for a few days. I (phone) …........………………. you when I getback 61.My bicycle has a flat tyre (lốp xe mòn). Can you repair it for me ?- OK, but I can’t do it now. I (repair) ….........……………… it tomorrow.62.Can you repair Hellen’s bicycle ? It has a flat tyre.- Yes, I know. She told me. I (repair) …………............……. ……it tomorrow.63.We need some bread for lunch.-Oh, we do ? I (go) ………..………….. to the shop and get some. I feel like a walk 64.What ..……… you (do) ………… at 10 o’clock last night ?65.Everything is going fine. We (not have) ……………........… any problems so far.66.Have you seen the new film at the local cinema ?- I (not see) ……………….. it yet, but I (see) ……………….. it.67.His hair is very short. He (have) ……..........………… a haircut.68.My bicycle isn’t here anymore. Somebody (take) ……………….. it.69.Whenever I have a problem, I (give) …….............…………. you a ring.70.He smiled at me in a friendly way when he (see) ……...........………… me.71.Where are you ? - I am upstairs. I (have) ……..........……………a bath.72.I (know) ………….……. her for several years. 73.Hurry up ! The train (come) .......…………… in.74.The Nile (flow) (chảy)……...........……….into the Mediterranean (Địa Trung hải) Sea75.I (lísten) ……..........…………… to the radio when you rang the bell.76.How many films ……......… you (see) ….......……….. this month ?77.Harry (work) …….........…………. ……for the city since last year.78.I will not do anything until you (promise) ….......……………… to help me.79.The men (drink) …………........……… together when an argument broke out.(cuộc tranh cải xảy ra) 80.If I (lose) ...........………my licence, I shall lose my job. 81. He (work) …….........…….. very hard lately82.I (sit) ……..................………. on a bench when a pretty girl took a seat next to me .83.They (not go) …………................….. to the picnic unless someone takes them.84.I (go) ……...… to Russia a long time ago. Since then I (not speak) ….........…………..Russian at all.85.She hopes it (not rain) ……................…………..when they start early tomorrow.86.I think he (leave) …................……………… as soon as (ngay sau khi) he knows the news.87.He (sleep) ……….........…………. so he didn’t understand what you said to him.88.Some animals (not eat) ………….............……… during the winter.89.Why didn’t you listen while I (speak) ……..................……………. to you ?90.How many cigarettes ………......... you (smoke) ……............……. today ? 91. It (be) ……………….. hours since he left. 92…............... you ever (see) …...............……. a ghost ?93.This time last year they (visit) ……...................…………… Ha Long Bay.94.They (arrive) ………................………….. in a few minutes.95………. you (be) ………… to England ? - Yes, I (go) ………………. there three years ago.96.Of course, I’m not going to give her a gold ring. If I (give) …….... her a gold ring, she (sell)…....…… it97.I (make) ………………… a cake when the light went out. I had to finish it in the dark.98.Jack is trying to give up(từ bỏ) smoking. He (not have) ……………..a cigarette for a week. 99.When he (return) …………….. I will give him the key. 100.It’s ages since we last (meet) ………….101.I hope it (not rain) …………........… when the bride (leave) ……………. the church tomorrow.103.We were too late. The plane (take) ……...………. off 10 minutes ago 104.If anybody (have) ……........………..a question, please ask me after class 105.Joe’s pants (quần dài) were torn (rách) while he (climb) …......…………….. upthe tree. 106.We (live) ….......……………. in Danang City for fourteen years.107.Why are you turning the television ? - I (watch) ………...…………….. the news.108.I don’t have any money. – Don’t worry. I (lend) ……….....……….. you some.109.What would you like to drink tea or coffee ? - I (have) ….....……………. tea please.110.Are you going shopping ? - Yes, I (buy) ……………………. something for dinner.111.We (not begin) ……….......………. to study for test yet.112.Last night, I (arrive) ……… home at 12:30. I (have) …….a bath and then (go) …… to bed.113.The car looks very clean. …….. you (wash) …………. it ?.114.It (rain) ………….. .now. It (start) …………..raining 4 hours ago. It (rain) …….…….. for 4 hours.115.Every day (read) ………….. French newspapers, but when I (come) …………... to see her yesterday, she (read) ………………......…. English magazines.116.He (not allow) ………………. us to go out in the boat yesterday as a strong wind (blow) …………..117.You (look) …………very busy when I (see) …………..you last night. What ……. you (do) ……...? 118.She said that the car (travel ) …………..at 40 kilometers per hour when it (begin) ………… to skid119.At 6 o’clock this morning, she (do)…………………. morning exercises. (trượt bánh)120.I (return) ………........……. the book as soon as I (finish) ……......……. reading it.121.I saw a light in your house as I (pass) ………………..122.I (not eat) …………….. anything yesterday because I (not feel) …………….. hungry.123.What ……… you (do) ………… when I (see) ………… you ? - I was on my way home.124.Don’t worry. I (give) ……….. you a lift. I am sure you’ll be at the station in 10minutes. 125.Could you be quiet, please ? - I ( listen) ………………….. to the radio.126.The children are late. They (not come) ……………….home from school yet. I hope nothing’s wrong.127.I decided not to go out because it (rain) ………………128.Look! You (make)…………….. the same mistake again.- Oh, no. Not again I always ( make) …………………that mistake.128.Let me look at you. You (not change) …………..……much since I met you.130.I (tell) ………….. you about it when I have time.131.If you don’t get up early, you (be) …………… late for school.132.Would you like to go to the cinema tonight ? - Yes, please. When ……. we(meet) ………… ? 133.Why do you have a pencil in your hand ? - I (draw) ..………………………. a cartoon.134.What do you want to be when you grow up ? - I (be) …..…………………. a teacher.135.Ann (want) ………….. to see you. You (not see) ………………… her for a long time.136.Do you know where he lives ? - No, he recently (move) ……………. to a new flat. I (not be)......... 137.They (be) …………….. there nine months ago. there yet.138”…….. you (know) ………….Eliza?” “ Yes”. “ How long ……… you (know) ………..her ?”139.Mrs Smith (work) ………. in the library since 1983140.I’ve been in this city for a long time. I (come) …………… .. here sixteen yearsago.141.Hurry up! We’re waiting for you. What’s taking you so long ?- I (wait) ……………… for an important phone call. Go ahead and leave without me.142.Robert is going to be a famous someday. He (appear) ……………….in three movies already.143.Why did you buy all this sugar and chocolate ? - I (make) …………………………...a delicious dessert for dinner tonight.144.Next week, when there (be) ……..…a full moon, the ocean tides (thuỷ triều) will be higher.145.While I (watch) ………………TV last night, a mouse ran across the floor.146.The earth (depend)(phụ thuộc) ……………….on the sun for its heat and light.147.Ahhhh ! I (try) ………………….. to concentrate(tập trung). I can’t hear myselfthink with all that noise going on.148.Mrs Lien is at the market. Right now she (look) ……………. at the apples. They (look) ……fresh.149.Nam (not hear) ………………...his parents having a argument last night. He (listen) ……………… to music in his room.150.When I was a child, my mother always (serve) ……………..cookies and milk to my friends and mewhen we (go) …………..to my after school.151.Jane is expecting (mong đợi)a letter from me, but I (not write) ………………………. to her yet. 152.Let’s stop at the next motel. We (drive) …………………. 500 miles so far today and that’s enough.153.Everyone makes mistakes in life. I ( make) ………………………. lots of mistakes in my life. The important thing is to learn from one’s mistakes. Right ?154.I understand Tom is a good friend of yours ? - How long …….. you (know) ……….. him ?- Since we (be) …………………kids.155.My wife and I (move) ……………….. three times since we (get) …………. married.156.I knew Tim when he was a child, but I (not see) …………….. him for many years.157.Nga missed her English examination this morning because she (oversleep)…………………… She (oversleep)……………….. a lot since the beginning of the semester. She’d better buy a new alarm clock 158.Jạc really needs to get I touch with you. Since this morning, he (call) …..……………here four times trying to reach you. He (call) …………...at 9:10, 10:25, 12:15 and 1:45159.Alex is an artist. He (draw) ……………. many beautiful pictures in his lifetime. Last week, he (draw) …………………a beautiful mountain scene.160.The world (enjoy) ………………... Beethoven’s music for nearly 200 years. 161. Since they (learn) ……………..that cigarettes cause cancer, many people havestopped smoking.162.I’ve come out without any money.- Never mind. I (lend) ……… you some. How much do you want ?163.I am catching the 6:30 train. - So am I. I (give) ……………….. you a lift to the station.164.Look at those black clouds. It (rain) ………………..165.The old man (fall) ……………. as he (get) ………………. into the bus yesterday.166.The earth (move) …………….. around the sun. 167. Something (smell) …..……good in the kitchen now.168.I (tidy) ……………..my desk, but now it’s in a mess again.(bề bộn, lộn xộn)169.The last time I (go) ……………to Brighton was in August.170.I’d like meet a ghost, but I (never/see) ………………………..one.171.We (move) …………... here in 1983. We (be) ……………………. here a longtime now.172. I (work) ……………………. for a computer company for a year. That was after college.173.Martin (be) ………………… to Greece (Hy Lạp) five times. He loves the place. 174.Why are you working so hard these days ?- Because I (buy) ………………………… a car, so I’m saving as much as I can.175.I’m trying to move this cupboard, but it’s very heavy. - Well, I (help) …………….. you then 176 Do you mind not leaving your papers all over the table ? - Oh, sorry. I’ll take them all with me when I (go) …………………..177.Coul I have a word with you, please ?- Sorry. I’m in a big hurry. My train (leave)………………. in 15 minutes.178.I’ve decided to repaint this room. -Oh, have you ? What color ……….. you (paint) ……………..?179.Rupert (leave) …….……………… a message for you. He (ring) ………………. last night.180……… you (see) ……….. the news today ? - No, not yet.181.We (move) …………... here in 1983. We (be) ……………………. here a longtime now.182. I (work) ……………………. for a computer company for a year. That was after college.183.Martin (be) ………………… to Greece (Hy Lạp) five times. He loves the place. 184.Why are you working so hard these days ?- Because I (buy) ………………………… a car, so I’m saving as much as I can.185.I’m trying to move this cupboard, but it’s very heavy. - Well, I (help) …………….. you then 186.These children ............................................. (play) badminton for four yearsnow. 187. They ......................................... TV all evening yesterday. (watch)188. Unfortunately, he ................................... three accidents recently. ( have)189. Please wait right here until Katie .................................... back.   (come)190. My parents want to see you. They ........................................... you for a longtime. (not see)

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