Ôn tập 12 thì trong Tiếng Anh - Bùi Văn Vinh (kèm bài tập và đáp án chi tiết)

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Tags: #12 thì trong Tiếng Anh#bài tập 12 thì trong tiếng anh#Ngữ pháp Tiếng anh bằng sơ đồ tư duy#ngữ pháp tiếng anh

Mô tả chi tiết

1. Simple present (Hiện tại đơn)…………………………………….…….

2. Present continuous (Hiện tại tiếp diễn)………………………………..

3. Present perfect (Hiện tại hoàn thành)…………………………………..

4. Present perfect continuous (Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn)………..…

5. Simple past (Quá khứ đơn)……………………………………………..

6. Past continuous (Quá khứ tiếp diễn)…………………………...………

7. Past perfect (Quá khứ hoàn thành)

8. Past perfect continuous (Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn)

9. Simple future (Tương lai đơn)

10. Near future (Tương lai gần)

11. Future continuous (Tương lai tiếp diễn)

12. Future perfect (Tương lai hoàn thành)

13. Future perfect continuous (Tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn)

Nội dung

Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 2 CONTENT PART I: TENSES (Các Thì) A. LÝ THUYẾT 1. Simple present (Hiện tại đơn)…………………………………….……. 2. Present continuous (Hiện tại tiếp diễn)……………………………….. 3. Present perfect (Hiện tại hoàn thành)………………………………….. 4. Present perfect continuous (Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn)………..… 5. Simple past (Quá khứ đơn)…………………………………………….. 6. Past continuous (Quá khứ tiếp diễn)…………………………...……… 7. Past perfect (Quá khứ hoàn thành) 8. Past perfect continuous (Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn) 9. Simple future (Tương lai đơn) 10. Near future (Tương lai gần) 11. Future continuous (Tương lai tiếp diễn) 12. Future perfect (Tương lai hoàn thành) 13. Future perfect continuous (Tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn) B. PRACTICE ON TENSES PART II. FURTHER PRACTICE PART III: IRREGULAR VERBS (Bảng động từ bất quy tắc)Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 3 PART I: TENSES (CÁC THÌ) A. LÝ THUYẾT 1. SIMPLE PRESENT (HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN). a. Với động từ “to be”: Form: (+) S + are/is/am + O (-) S + aren’t/ isn’t/ am not + O (?) Are/ is/ am (not) + S + O? Ex: (+) She is a nurse. (-) They aren’t at home. (?) Is he hungry? b. Với động từ “to do”: Form: (+) S + V(s/es) + O (-) S + don’t/ doesn’t + V + O (?) Do/ Does (not) + S + V + O? Ex: (+) He watches TV every night. (-) She doesn’t usually go swimming on Sundays. (?) Do they speak English very well? c. Uses (Cách sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn) - Dùng để giới thiệu bản thân, lịch trình, sở thích. - Dùng để diễn tả hành động thường xuyên xảy ra, 1 thói quen hàng ngày, 1 sự thật hiển nhiên, 1 chân lý, 1 câu châm ngôn. d. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) - Always, usually, often, sometimes, occasionally, ever, never, seldom = rarely, now and then, not often, hardly ever. - Every: every day, every week, … e. Cách chia động từ thêm “S/ES/Y - IES”: - Hầu hết các động từ đều thêm s. Eg: ask → asks hate → hates - Với các động từ có tận cùng là: -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -o, -x, -z ta thêm es vào sau động từ. Eg: go → goes wash → washes watch → watches kiss → kisses - Những động từ tận cùng là y, trước đó là một phụ âm thì đổi y → i rồi thêm es. Eg: study → studies try → tries copy → copies carry → carries 2. PRESENT CONTINUOUS (THÌ HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN) a. Form:Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 4 (+) S + are/is/am + V-ing + O (-) S + aren’t/ isn’t/ am not + V-ing + O (-) Are/is/am (not) + S + V-ing + O? b. Uses (Cách sử dụng) - Dùng để chỉ một hành động đang diễn ra trong lúc nói. Ex: Listen! The bird is singing. - Một hành động dự kiến trong tương lai gần đã được sắp xếp xong. Ex: They are playing tennis next week. - Với chữ always đế diễn tả một hành động thường lặp lại thường xuyên, hay một lời phàn nàn… Ex: He is always taking exams. He is always studying. - Hai hành động xảy ra song song ở hiện tại Ex: She is cooking dinner while her husband is watching T.V now. - Hành dộng có tính chất tạm thời Ex: I often go to work by bus but today I am going by motorbike. c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) - Now, right now, at the moment, at present, at the present time, always, still,… - Hurry up, look, be careful, watch out………. - Sau câu cảm thán “!” Ex: Look! The teacher is coming! d. Những động từ thường không dùng trong các thì Tiếp diễn: Verbs of thinking believe, doubt, guess, imagine, know, realize, suppose, understand Verbs of the senses hear, smell, sound, taste Verbs of possession belong to, have (meaning possess), own, possess Verbs of emotion dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, regret, want, wish Verbs of appearance appear, seem Others contain, depend on, include, involve, mean, measure, weigh, require e. Cách chia động từ V-ing: - Hầu hết các động từ thêm trực tiếp đuôi “ing” vào sau nó. Ex: - She is doing her job. - Nếu tận cùng động từ là nguyên âm “e” thì bỏ e đi rồi thêm đuôi “ing”. Ex: - He is coming to the office at the moment. - You are saving my life. - Nếu động từ có công thức “1-1-1”, (1 phụ âm + 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm) thì gấp đôi phụ âm cuối rồi thêm đuôi ing.Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 5 Ex: - They are cutting down the trees in the forest. - The weather is getting hotter and hotter. 3. PRESENT PERFECT (HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH) a. Form: (+) S + have/ has + Vp2/ed+ O (-) S + have/ has+ not + Vp2/ed+ O (?) Have/ has (not) + S+ Vp2/ed+ O? b. Uses (Cách sử dụng) - Diễn tả 1 sự việc vừa mới xảy ra. Ex: I have just finished the financial report. (Tôi vừa hoàn thành xong bản báo cáo tài chính) - Diễn tả 1 sự việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng còn liên quan đến hiện tại. Ex: My husband has worked for this company for 2 years. (Chồng tôi đã làm cho công ty này được 2 năm - Nghĩa là: cách đây 2 năm đã bắt đầu làm, hiện tại vẫn có thể đang làm cho công ty này hoặc không) - Diễn tả 1 sự việc đã xảy ra ở một thời điểm không xác định trong quá khứ. Ex: She has been in China for a long time. (Đã có một thời gian dài cô ấy ở Trung Quốc) - Nhấn mạnh đến trải nghiệm bản thân (the first/second/third/last... time), nhấn mạnh kết quả: Ex: + I have seen that film three times. (Tôi đã từng xem bộ phim này 3 lần) + This is the first time that he has been in the USA. (Đây là lần đầu tiên anh ấy đến Mỹ) c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) just, recently, lately : gần đây, vừa mới before : trước đây already : rồi ever : từng never : không bao giờ, chưa bao giờ yet : chưa since : kể từ khi for : khoảng so far = until now = up to now = up to the present: cho đến bây giờ d. Một số lưu ý đối với thì hiện tại hoàn thành: - Phân biệt “Since” và “For”: since + mốc thời gian for + khoảng thời gian Ex: - I’ve known Anna since October. - I’ve known Anna for two months. - Phân biệt “yet” và “already”: yet : dùng trong câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn already: dùng câu khẳng định Ex: - He hasn’t come yet. - I’ve already posted the letters. - Thường dùng “ever”, “never” với Hiện tại hoàn thành: Ex: - He has never been there. - Have you ever eaten snake meat? - Phân biệt “Have/ has been” khác với “have/ has gone”: Ex: (a) Mr. Smith is not here at the moment. He has gone to a meeting in London (b) Amada has been to the travel agent. She has your tickets for Hong KongThầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 6 Trong 2 ví dụ trên, ví dụ (a) có thể hiểu là Mr. Smith vẫn đang ở buổi họp trong khi đó ở ví dụ (b) Amada đã đi đến đó và trở về rồi. - Một số lưu ý khác: ➢ Trong các mệnh đề diễn tả sự so sánh hơn nhất, số thứ tự, sự duy nhất hay số lần thực hiện hành động → Động tự chia ở Hiện tại hoàn thành. Ex: - This is the most interesting story I have heard. - This is only foreigner I have ever known. (1) It’s the first / second / … time + HTHT (2) This is the first / second … time Ex: - It’s the first time I have driven a car. - This is the first time she has lived in New York. ➢ It’s + khoảng thời gian + since + sb last did sth: Đó là khoảng thời gian kể từ khi ai đó làm gì. Ex: I have seen her for 3 days. → It’s 3 days since I last saw her. 4. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS (HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH TIẾP DIỄN) a. Form: (+) S + have/has + been + Ving (-) S + have/has + not + been + Ving (?) Have/Has (not) + S + been + Ving? b. Uses (Cách sử dụng) - Diễn tả sự việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục xảy ra trong tương lai. (Nhấn mạnh tính liên tục của hành động) Ex: I have been teaching English since I was a second-year student. (Tôi đã dạy tiếng Anh kể từ khi tôi là sinh viên năm thứ 2, đã bắt đầu dạy trong quá khứ, hiện tại vẫn đang tiếp tục dạy và có thể trong tương lai vẫn dạy) c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) - For + time + now, và giống các trạng ngữ của thì hiện tại hoàn thành (Thường sẽ có 1 vế giải thích ở hiện tại tiếp diễn) 5. SIMPLE PAST (QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN) a. Với động từ “to be”: Form: (+) S + was/ were + O (-) S + wasn’t/ weren’t + O (?) Was/ were (not) + S + O? b. Với động từ “to do”: Form: (+) S + Ved + O (-) S + didn’t + V + O (?) Did (not) + S + V + O? c. Uses (Cách sử dụng)Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 7 - Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và chấm dứt hoán toàn trong quá khứ. Ex: - I saw a movie yesterday. - Last year, I traveled to Japan. - Diễn tả một chuỗi các hành động liên tiếp xảy ra trong quá khứ. Ex: - I finished worked, walked to the beach and found a nice place to swim. - Did you add flour, pour the milk and then add the eggs? d. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) - Yesterday, ago, upon a time, in 1945 (in a specific year in the past….), last… e. Một số lưu ý đối với thì quá khứ đơn: * Quy tắc thêm “ed” với động từ thường: - Hầu hết động từ được thêm “ed” để biến thành động từ dạng quá khứ Ex: work – worked, visit – visited - Một vài động từ kết thúc bằng phụ âm “y” thì biến “y” thành “i” rồi thêm ‘ed” để biến thành dạng động từ quá khứ Ex: study – studied, carry – carried - Một vài động từ có dạng 1:1 :1 (1 phụ âm + 1 nguyên âm + 1 phụ âm) thì ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối rồi thêm “ed” Ex: plan – planned, fit – fitted * Cách phát âm đối với động từ có đuôi “ed”: 1. Đúng nhất: Theo phiên âm quốc tế, khi –ED đứng sau các âm sau sẽ được phát âm như sau: Phát âm của –ED Các âm trước –ED /id/ /t/ /d/ /t/ / k / / f / / p / / ∫ / / t∫ / / s / / t / / θ / /d/ Các nguyên âm và phụ âm còn lại 2. Mẹo vặt (Không đúng 100%): Theo hình vị tự: Phát âm của –ED Các âm trước –ED /id/ t d /t/ P x ce f ch sh *gh s *th ph k /d/ Các nguyên âm và phụ âm còn lại • Đọc chơi cho dễ nhớ: Pà xã, có fải chú sháu ghé sang Thuận Phước không? • Bạn có thể đặt thành câu khác cho riêng mình để dễ nhớ. Eg: /id/ Wanted, needed, demanded, suggested, mended, hated, visited, … /t/ walked , liked, stopped, raped, washed, watched, laughed, sentenced, rated, breathed, stated, looked, cooked, sniffed, missed, mixed,… /d/ Played, studied, changed, matched, decreed, …. .Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 8 Notes: - Khi *th phát âm là / θ / thì –ed mới phát âm là / t / như breathed, … - Khi *th phát âm là / ð / thì –ed phát âm là / d / như bathed, … - Khi *gh phát âm là / f / thì –ed phát âm là / t / như laughed, coughed, …. - Khi *gh là âm câm thì –ed phát âm là / d / như ploughed, … - Nguyên âm + S + ED thì –ed thường được phát âm là / d / như praised, chased, raised,… Ngoại lệ: Một số tính từ sau có cách phát âm của –ed là / id /: naked /’neikid/, packed /‘pækid/, learned /’l ə:nid/, aged /’eidzid/, beloved /bi’lʌvid/, blessed /’blesid/, crooked /kru:kid/, cursed /’kə:sid/, ragged /’rægid/, sacred /‘seikrid/, wretched /’ret∫id/, legged /’legid/,… - Có một chữ có –ed tận cùng dược phát âm là /id/. Chữ đó là hundred /’hʌndred/ 6. PAST CONTINUOUS (QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN) a. Form: (+) S + was/ were + V-ing + O (-) S + wasn’t/ weren’t + V-ing + O (?) Was/ were (not) + S + V-ing + O? b. Uses (Cách sử dụng) - Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ Ex: - I was sleeping at 12 o’clock last night - Diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra thì một hành động khác xen vào: hành động đang xảy ra dùng QKTD; hành động xen vào dùng QKĐ. Ex: - I was studying when he came in. - Diễn tả nhiều hành động xảy ra đồng thời trong quá khứ (đi với while) Ex: Yesterday evening, my mother was cooking while my father was reading books c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) At …. (specific time) From ... to... last night, yesterday, one year ago .… At this/ that time At the moment Past simple While/ When Past continuous Past continuous d. Một số lưu ý đối với thì quá khứ tiếp diễn: * Phân biệt While & When: Nếu xét theo định nghĩa thì while và when có chức năng tương đương nhau và có ý nghĩa gần giống nhau, tuy nhiên khi muốn đề cập đến một hành động xảy ra ở quá khứ, thì các động từ sau “when” thường được chia ở quá khứ đơn, trong khi đó theo sau “while”Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 9 động từ thường được chia ở quá khứ tiếp diễn và “while” thường nhấn mạnh đến khái niệm “trong suốt khoảng thời gian”. Ex: ✓ I was studying when she called. ✓ While I was studying, she called.  Xét 2 ví dụ trên, while và when được sử dụng với ý nghĩa giống nhau tuy nhiên lại nhấn mạnh vào phần khác nhau của câu. * Những động từ không chia ở các thì tiếp diễn: Một số động từ chỉ cảm xúc (like, love…) hay (know, believe, want) ko được chia ở các thì tiếp diễn (kể cả hiện tại tiếp diễn hay quá khứ tiếp diễn). Verbs of thinking believe, doubt, guess, imagine, know, realize, suppose, understand. Verbs of the senses hear, smell, sound, taste Verbs of possession belong to, have (meaning possess), own, possess. Verbs of emotion dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, regret, want, wish. Verbs of appearance appear, seem. Others contain, depend on, include, involve, mean, measure, weigh, require. Ex: ✓ Jane was being at my house when you arrived. ✓ Jane was at my house when you arrived. 7. PAST PERFECT (QUÁ KHỨ HOÀN THÀNH) a. Form: (+) S + had + Vp2/ed + O (-) S + hadn’t + Vp2/ed + O (?) Had (not) + S+ Vp2/ed + O? b. Uses (Cách sử dụng) - Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trước 1 hành động khác trong QK (hành động xảy ra trước dùng QKHT; hành động xảy ra sau dùng QKĐ) Ex: I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai. - Hành động xảy ra trước 1 thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ. Ex: I had worked as a librarian before 2010. (Trước năm 2010, tôi là một quản thư) c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) - When, before, after BẢNG TÓM TẮT KẾT HỢP CÁC THÌThầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 10 TLĐ/ TLHT/ HTĐ + 4 QK + QKĐ/ QKTD + TLĐ/ TLHT/ TLHTTD + QKHT + QKĐ + WHEN WHEN WHEN BEFORE BEFORE HTHT AFTER + HTĐ + QKĐ + QKTD + HTĐ + QKĐ + BEFORE. + QKHT WHEN = AS = AS SOON AS = UNTIL = BY THE TIME 8. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS (QUÁ KHỨ HOÀN THÀNH TIẾP DIỄN) a. Form: (+) S + had + been + Ving (-) S + had + not + been + Ving (?) Had (not) + S + been + Ving? b. Uses (Cách sử dụng) - Chỉ hành động đã đang diễn ra và hoàn tất trước 1 hành động khác trong quá khứ (nhấn mạnh đến tính liên tục của hành động) Ex: She had been cooking before I came home. c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) - When, before, after 9. SIMPLE FUTURE (TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN) a. Form: (+) S + will/ shall + V + O (-) S + will/ shall + not + V + O (?) Will/ shall (not) + S + V + O? b. Uses (Cách sử dụng) - Sắp xảy ra trong tương lai không có dự định trước. Ex: Mr.Vinh will be the next president - Câu yêu cầu; đề nghị; lời hứa; dự đoán cho tương lai. Ex: - I’ll call you when I arrive. - I promise I won’t tell him about the surprise party. c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) - Someday, tomorrow, tonight, soon - Next time/ week/ year… - In + N (Danh từ chỉ thời gian cụ thể) 10. NEAR FUTURE (TƯƠNG LAI GẦN) a. Form: (+) S + are/ is/ am + going to + V + O (-) S + aren’t/ isn’t/ am not + going to + V + O (?) Are/ is/ am + (not) + S + going to + V + O?Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 11 b. Uses (Cách sử dụng) - Sắp xảy ra trong tương lai có dự định trước. Ex: I’m going to do my homework this evening. - Chắc chắn sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai theo 1 tình huống cho trước. Ex: I’m doing my homework this evening. c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) - Someday, tomorrow, today, tonight, soon - Next time/ week/ year… - In + N (Danh từ chỉ thời gian cụ thể) 11. FUTURE CONTINUOUS (TƯƠNG LAI TIẾP DIỄN) a. Form: (+) S + will/ shall + be + V-ing + O (-) S + will/ shall + not + be + V-ing + O (?) Will/ shall (not) + S + be + V-ing + O? b. Uses (Cách sử dụng) - Đang xảy ra tại thời điểm xác định trong tương lai. Ex: She will be driving to work at 7 o’clock tomorrow. - Nhiều hành động xảy ra đồng thời trong tương lai. Ex: Tonight they will be eating dinner, discussing their plan and having a good time. c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) - At + N (Time cụ thể trong tương lai) 12. FUTURE PERFECT (TƯƠNG LAI HOÀN THÀNH) a. Form: (+) S + will/ shall + have + Vp2 + O (-) S + will/ shall + not + have + Vp2 + O (?) Will/ shall (not) + S + have + Vp2 + O? b. Uses (Cách sử dụng) - Một hành động xảy ra trước 1 hành động khác trong tương lai. Ex: She will have finished her English course by the end of this month. - Một hành động xảy ra trước 1 thời điểm xác định trong tương lai. Ex: They shalln’t have returned the book before they go home. c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) - When, Before, By the (this) N + Next ……. 13. FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS (TƯƠNG LAI HOÀN THÀNH TIẾP DIỄN) a. Form: (+) S + will/ shall + have + been V-ing + O (-) S + will/ shall + not + have + been + V-ing + O (?) Will/ shall (not) + S + have + been + V-ing + O? b. Uses (Cách sử dụng)Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 12 - Kết hợp với mệnh đề thời gian (by the time + thì hiện tại đơn) - Diễn tả hành động đã và đang xảy ra và có thể hoàn tất trước 1 hành động khác trong tương lai. c. Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) - By the time + mệnh đề thời gian ở thì hiện tại; by + ngày/ giờ. B. PRACTICE ON TENSES I. SIMPLE PRESENT (HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN) Exercise 1: Put the verb in the present simple tense. 1. She (wash) _____________her clothes every Sunday. 2. She (study) _____________English every day. 3. He (want) _____________to become a teacher. 4. She usually (walk) _____________to school. 5. What time _____________Mary usually (get) _____________up every morning? 6. She (not wash) _____________her clothes every weekend. 7. _____________they (be) teachers? 8. It (not be) _____________often cold in summer. 9. Tom usually (walk) _____________to school. 10. He (be) _____________a student. Exercise 2: Put the verb in the present simple tense. 1. I (be) _____________sixteen years old. 2. They (be) _____________very friendly. 3. Every week she (go) _____________to visit her parents. 4. What time _____________your father usually (get) _____________up? 5. We (not go) _____________to school on Sundays. 6. We (not be) _____________very lazy. 7. The Earth (go) _____________ around the Sun. 8. I (visit) _____________my parents very often. 9. _____________he (go) _____________to school every day? 10. _____________she (come) _____________from Japanese? Exercise 3: Give the correct tense form of the verbs. 1. They often_____________ (go) to school on foot. 2. She_____________ (go) to the park everyday. 3. Bad students never _____________ (work) hard. 4. It often _____________ (rain) in the summer. 5. He usually _____________ (water) the trees in the morning. 6. She always _____________ (cook) in the morning. 7. I always _____________ (meet) him on the corner of this street. 8. He _____________ (not do) morning exercises regularly. 9. Water _____________ (boil) at 100 degrees centigrade. 10. _____________You ____________ (be) a good student?Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 13 Exercise 4: Give the correct tense form of the verbs. 1. They _____________usually _____________ (not go) to school by motorbike. 2. They _____________ (not be) doctors. 3. He often _____________ (get) up late. 4. _____________you often _____________ (watch) TV? 5. I usually _____________ (go) shopping on weekend. 6. Hai often _____________ (wash) his face at 6.15. 7. Thanh and Mai always _____________ (see) a movie on Saturday. 8. _____________he often _____________ (take) a bus to school? 9. We _____________ (be) student in class 8A. 10. She _____________often _____________ (not do) homework in the evening. Exercise 5: Give the correct tense form of the verbs. 1. He usually _____________ (take) a taxi to the airport. 2. They _____________usually _____________ (not go) to school by bike. 3. _____________They ____________ (be) beautiful? 4. They often _____________ (visit) their parents on Saturday. 5. My and I always _____________ (go) to the countryside. 6. He _____________ (not be) at home now. 7. Our teacher usually _____________ (give) us many exercises. 8. He (go) _____________to the cinema every weekend. 9. She (come) _____________from Germany. 10. Daisy usually (go) _____________to work by car. Exercise 6: Choose the best answer. 1. The weather ______ very nice today. A. am B. is C. are D. be 2. Rome _____________ in Spain. It is in Italy. A. am not B. are not C. is not D. not 3. Where _____________ my key? A. be B. is C. are D. am 4. Dunford is a very modern town. ____________ many old buildings there. A. There isn’t B. There be not C. There aren’t D. There are 5. Look! There ______ a photograph of George in the Newspaper! A. be B. is C. are D. be not 6. Ann is at home but her children _______ at school. A. are B. are not C. is D. is not 7. How many rooms ____ in your house? A. is there B. are there C. there are D. there is 8. Cats ____ big animals. A. be not B. is not C. are not D. are no 9. Who _____ your favorite actor? A. are B. be C. is D. be not 10. ______ books expensive in your country?Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 14 A. Is B. Is there C. Are there D. Are 11. He often _____________ the car at weekends. A. washes B. wash C. don’t wash D. washs 12. What time ___________you often _____________ up every morning? A. Does/ get B. do/get C. do/gets D. don’t/gets 13. _____________she_____________ English? A. Do/likes B. Do/like C. Does/likes D. Does/like 14. He often _____________ (catch) a train to work. A. catches B. catch C. catchs D. does catch 15. The cat _____________ (chase) mouse. A. chases B. is chase C. chasing D. don’t chase 16. My old friend, Manh _____________ (write) to me twice a month. A. Don’t write B. doesn’t writes C. writes D. writing 17. We (watch) _____________TV every night. A. watching B. watches C. don’t watches D. watch 18. He (walk) _____________to work every day. A. walks B. walkes C. walking D. walked 19. He (be) _____________in Ca Mau. A. are B. is C. am D. being 20. They (be) _____________students. A. doesn’t be B. are C. am D. don’t be Exercise 7: Find and correct the mistakes. 1. How often is he go to the movie? 2. Minh go to school every morning 3. She is often gets up at 5:30. 4. Don’t your school have two floors? 5. The students play sometimes soccer in the afternoon. 6. My brother isn’t have breakfast at 6:00. 7. The children has lunch at 11:00 everyday. 8. We alway go swimming on Saturdays. 9. Does she plays sports every day? 10. My mother doesn’t goes shopping on Sundays. Exercise 8: Find and correct the mistakes. 1. We seldom eats before 6.30. 2. The sun is sets in the West. 3. It doesn’t often hot in summer. 4. My mother sometimes buyes vegetable at this market. 5. It rain much in summer. 6. The earth circle the sun once every 365 days. 7. The farmers are work in the field every days 8. Rivers flow usually to the sea. 9. Mrs. Green always doesn’t go to work by bus.Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 15 10. That house is belong to Mr. Green. II. PRESENT CONTINUOUS (HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN) Exercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative, or question. Example: She (read) ____is reading _____at the moment. She isn’t reading at the moment Is she reading at the moment? 1. He (watch) ____________________________________TV right now. 2. At present they (sit) ___________________________ in the class. 3. This year we (learn) _________________________ English. 4. Look! Peter (play) ______________________ football in the schoolyard. 5. Be quiet! The baby (sleep) _______________________________. 6. Look! The man (smoke) ____________________________ there. 7. She (write) _______________________ to her parents now. 8. My father (work) ___________________________in the garden at the moment. 9. John (listen) _____________________________ to the radio now. 10. He (play) _______________________chess at the moment. Exercise 2: Put the verb in the present continuous tense. 1. The workers (work) ______________________ in the firm at the moment. 2. Please be quite! You (make) ____________________so much noise so I can’t concentrate. 3. Tony (have) __________________a bath at the moment. 4. Listen! He (read) ____________________a story by Shakespeare. 5. At present Richard (study) _______________in London. 6. This term I (study) _______________philosophy and economics. 7. Janet (have) _______________a shower at the moment. 8. They (not/study) _______________at present. 9. Yukiko (have) _______________a bath now. 10. We (make) _______________a cake at the moment. Exercise 3: Put the verb in the present continuous tense. 1. Jane (watch) _______________television at the moment. 2. Look! The boy (cry) ____________________. 3. Alice and Mary (put) ___________ the dishes away right now. 4. The farmer (work) _________________ in the field now. 5. Look! It (snow) _______________. 6. Phong (sleep) _______________ right now. 7. Mother (cook) ________________ some food in the kitchen at present. 8. Just a minute! I (look up) ______________ that word in the dictionary. 9. _______________you (write) ______________ a letter now? 10. They (not read) ____________________ books in the sitting room right now. Exercise 4: Put the verb in the present continuous tense.Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 16 1. Look! They (play) _________________ football. 2. She (sweep) _______________ the floor now. 3. What________ she (do) ____________ now? 4. She (wash) ______________ the clothes at the moment. 5. Listen! Peter and Daisy (sing) ________________ now. 6. My brother (not watch) ___________TV now. 7. He (study) _____________ English this month. 8. ________you (work) __________ in the garden now? 9. Peter (talk) ________________ to Susan now. 10. She (listen) _______________to the radio in her bedroom at the moment. Exercise 5: Choose the best answer. 1. I ________ Christine. Do you know where she is? A. is looking B. are looking C. am looking D. look 2. It ________ dark. Shall I turn on the light? A. is got B. are geting C. is getting D. are getting 3. They don’t have anywhere to live at the moment. They ________with friends until they find somewhere. A. is staying B. are staying C. am staying D. stay 4. Things aren’t so good at work. The company ________ money. A. is loosen B. are losing C. are loseing D. is losing 5. Have you got an umbrella? It ________to rain. A. is starting B. are starting C. am starting D. start 6. You ________ a lot of noise. Can you be quieter? I ________ to concentrate. A. is making/am trying B. are makeing/ am trying C. are making/ am trying D. is making/ am trying 7. Why are all these people here? What ________? A. am happening B. are happening C. is happening D. happening 8. Please don’t make so much noise. I ________ to work. A. is trying B. are trying C. trying D. am trying 9. Let’s go out now. It ________ any more. A. am raining B. isn’t raining C. are raining D. raining 10. You can turn off the radio. I ________ to it. A. are not listening B. isn’t listening C. am not listening D. don’t listening 11. Kate phoned me last night. She is on holiday in France. She ________ a great time and doesn’t want to come back. A. is haven B. are having C. am haveing D. is having 12. I want to lose weight, so this week I ________ lunch. A. am not eating B. isn’t eating C. aren’t eating D. is not eating 13. Andrew has just started evening classes. He ________ German. A. are learning B. is learning C. am learning D. learning 14. Paul and Sally have an argument. They ________ to each other. A. are speaking B. is speaking C. am speaking D. speakingThầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 17 15. I ________ tired. I need a rest. A. is getting B. are getting C. is geting D. am getting 16. Tim ________ this week. He is on holiday. A. is not working B. are working C. am working D. works 17. Listen! Sam ________ the piano. A. are playing B. am playing C. plays D. is playing 18. They ________ a new hotel in the city center. A. are building B. am building C. is building D. build 19. Look! Somebody ________ in the river. A. is swiming B. are swimming C. am swimming D. is swimming 20. The phone ________. A. aren’t ringing B. isn’t ringing C. don’t ringing D. doesn’t ring Exercise 6: Choose the best answer. 1. (it start) ________ to rain? A. Am it starting B. Are it starting C. Does it starting D. Is it starting 2. Sue ________ to become a doctor? A. are playing B. am playing C. plays D. is playing 3. You (take) ________.your daughter with you? A. Are you taking B. is you taking C. am you taking D. are you taking 4. The dog (play) ________ with the kids? A. Are the dog playing B. Am the dog playing C. Does the dog playing D. Is the dog playing 5. They (come) ________ tonight? A. am they coming B. is they coming C. Are they coming D. is they coming 6. Be quiet! The baby ________. A. is sleeping B. sleep C. sleeps D. are sleeping 7. Look! A man ________ after the train. He wants to catch it. A. is runing B. runs C. run D. is running 8. I ________an exercise on the present tenses at this moment. A. is doing B. are doing C. am doing D. do 9. My father ________ in the garden and it ________ now. A. is working/ is raining B. works/ rains C. working/ raining D. are working/ are raining 10. Mai ________ some food at present. She always ________ in the morning. A. is cooking/ cooks B. cooks/ is cooking C. cooks/ cooks D. is cooking/ is cooking 11. The students ________ the test right now? A. Are....do B. Are......... doing C. Is ......... doing D. Do............. do 12. Now She ________ for her husband in the rain A. are waiting B. is waiting C. waits D. wait 13. His brother ________ a novel at the moment? A. Are....... writing B. are writing C. is writing D. Is............writing 14. The children ________ in the kitchen at present. A. isn’t playing B. am not playing C. aren’t playing D. playThầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 18 15. Lan ________ to the English teacher now. A. isn’t speaking B. aren’t speaking C. doesn’t speak D. don’t speak 16. They ________ the Christmas dinner at present. A. are preparing B. is preparing C. prepare D. prepares 17. John ________ that car now. A. am driving B. is driving C. are driving D. is driveing 18. The workers ________a new house right now. A. are building B. am building C. is building D. build 19. Tom ________ two poems at the moment? A. Are..... writing B. are writing C. is writing D. Is............writing 20. The chief engineer ________ all the workers of the plant now. A. is instructing B. are instructing C. instructs D. instruct Exercise 7: Find and correct the mistakes. 1. He paints his pictures at the moment. 2. We plant the herbs in the garden at present. 3. They makes the artificial flowers of silk now. 4. Your father are repairing your motorbike at the moment. 5. Look! The man takes the children to the cinema. 6. Listen! The teacher are explaining a new lesson to us. 7. Be careful! You brings ten glass bottles. 8. Ba studies Math very hard now. 9. We is have dinner in a restaurant right now 10. I watching TV with my parents in the living room now. Exercise 8: Find and correct the mistakes. 1. Some people drink coffee now. 2. At present, he are composing a piece of music . 3. My father listens to the radio now. 4. Where is your mother? - She have dinner in the kitchen. 5. Mr. Nam don’t work at the moment. 6. The children plays in the park at the moment. 7. John not reading a book now. 8. What do you do tonight? 9. Silvia doesn’t listen to music at the moment. 10. Maria sits next to Paul right now. III. PRESENT PERFECT (HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH) Exercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative, or question. Example: She (be) has been here for several days. She has not been here for several days. Has she been here for several days? 1. Tom (see) ______________this film before. 2. I (finish) ______________ my exercise already.Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 19 3. They (live) ______________ here since 1990. 4. My father (just wash) ______________ his car. 5. The students (discuss) ______________ the question recently. 6. Mary (never be) ______________ to Ha Noi. 7. We (know) ______________ each other for 5 years. 8. So far we (learn) ______________ five lessons. 9. We (be) ______________ pen pals for a long time. 10. They (stay) ______________ here since last week. Exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. 1. Bob (see) ______________ this movie before. 2. Sandra (lend) ____________ her brother $ 200 so far. 3. Rashid (just pass) ____________ his driving test. 4. Karen (study) ____________________ Italian for three years now and is still studying. 5. The teacher (already tell) ____________ to be quite. 6. Tim (not take) ____________ many photos yet. 7. Jorge (read) ____________ the newspaper already. 8. We (not begin) _____________ to study for the test yet. 9. John and I (be) ______________ pen pals for nearly 3 years. 10. He (wear) ___________ the same coat since he moved here. Exercise 3: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. 1. I (not see) _____________ your brother recently. 2. They (not contact) _______________ to each other for a long time. 3. How long _______________you (study) ______________ English? 4. How many times _________ you (see) ____________him since he went to Edinburgh? 5. Who is that woman? I (never/ see) _______________ her before. 6. We (be) ____________ from French. We (be) ______________ there for 20 years. 7. I (see) __________ that film several times because I like it. 8. Mary (lose) _________________ her hat for 2 days. 9. He (not finish) _______________ doing it yet. 10. He (not see) ____________ him since Christmas. Exercise 4: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. 1. I (live) _______________ in Ho Chi Minh City since 1975. 2. He (just see) ______________ her. 3. They (already show) _______________ the film. 4. I’m sorry the car is not here. I (just sell) ______________ it. 5. The Bakers (be) ______________ in New York for 3 months. 6. My brother (use) ______________ this computer for 2 years. 7. They (live) ________________ in this street for a long time. 8. Mr. Green (teach) ______________ French since he left London in 1997. 9. She (not speak) _________________ to me since last week. 10. Up to now, Hoa (work) _______________ very hard.Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 20 Exercise 5: Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or the simple past tense. 1. We (never watch) _________that TV programme. 2. We (watch) _________ a good programme on TV last night. 3. He (read) _________ that novel many times before. 4. He (read) _________that novel again during my last vacation. 5. I (have) _________ a little trouble with my car last week. 6. However, I (have) _________no trouble with my car since then. 7. I (not see) _________ John for a long time. I (see) _________ him 3 weeks ago. 8. The school bell (ring) _________. We must go now. 9. I (meet) _________Mary last night. She (become) _________ a very big girl. 10. He is very thirsty. He (not drink) _________ since this morning. Exercise 6: Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or the simple past tense. 1. It is very hot. Summer (come) _________. 2. They (study) _________at this school for 7 years now. 3. They (begin) _________ to study at this school 7 years ago. 4. Since (you know) _________when her ? 5. How long ago (he start) _________to learn French ? 6. She (lose) _________ her handbag on the train yesterday morning. 7. My mother (be) _________ in hospital for a long time and she cannot go home yet. 8. His dog (just run) _________ out of the garden. 9. Mr Brown (travel) _________ by air several times in the past. 10. He (travel) _________to Mexico by air last summer. Exercise 7: Choose the best answer. 1. This is the most interesting novel _______________ A. I’ve read B. I had read C. I’ve never read D. I’ve ever read 2. I haven’t seen you _______________ A. since a long time B. for ages C. ages D. for long existence 3. It _______________ every day so far this week. A. rained B. has rained C. rains D. is raining 4. I _______________any letter from him yet. A. haven’t received B. will receive C. don’t receive D. didn’t receive 5. We _______________to Dalat several times. It’s a foggy city. A. were B. have been C. were being D. had been 6. I haven’t met him since he _______________school. A. left B. was leaving C. had left D. was leftThầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 21 7. My uncle _______________on this farm since he was 20. A. has worked B. have worked C. worked D. was working 8. He _______________London 2 years ago and I _____________him since then. A. left/ hadn’t seen B. left/ haven’t seen C. was living/ haven’t seen D. left/ didn’t seen 9. By the time Tom got back, Peter _______________ A. have gone B. went C. will go D. had gone 10. She _______________in Hue for twenty years. A. lives B. has lived C. lived D. will live 11. It is the most exciting film I _______________ A. never saw B. ever saw C. had ever seen D. have ever seen 12. They have been in love with each other _______________ they were young A. while B. until C. for D. since 13. I _______________the money from him yet. A. haven’t received B. don’t receive C. will receive D. am receiving 14. I _____________ (not see) my brother for 5 years. A. hasn’t seen B. don’t see C. aren’t see D. haven’t seen 15. How many times _______________ there so far? A few times. A. have you been B. would you be C. were you D. had you been Exercise 8: Choose the best answer. 1. It’s at least a month since _______________Tom. A. I last seen B. I last see C. I have last seen D. I last saw 2. We _______________ almost every lesson in this book so far. A. Study B. studies C. has studied D. have studied 3. We _______________that television program. A. never watch B. not never watch C. have never watched D. has never watched 4. Up to then, I _______________such a big fire. A. have never seen B. had never seen C. never seen D. never see 5. I _______________her since I _______________a student. A. know/ am B. knew/ was C. have known/ am D. have known/ was 6. _______________ get tired of answering the same questions every day? A. Have you ever C. Had you ever B. Do you ever D. Are you ever 7. She _______________working on that manuscript for 2 year now. A. will be C. has been B. had been D. is 8. I _______________there once a long time ago and _______________back since. A. went/have not been C. go/am not B. have gone/was D. was going/had not beenThầy Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) – Cô Quỳnh Thơm (093.456.2119) Facebook: Bùi Văn Vinh (0977.267.662) 22 9. In the last hundred years, traveling ___________much easier and more comfortable. A. becomes B. has become C. became D. will become 10. It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago. So it ____ for two hours. A. rains B. is raining C. has rained D. rained 11. Mike is playing chess. How long ___________ he ____________? A. did/play C. is/playing B. has/play D. has/been playing 12. Today is Thursday and she ______ late twice this week. She ______ late yesterday and on Monday. A. is/was B. has been/is C. has been/was D. has been/had been 13. He _______________ in the same house since 1975. A. has lived C. lived B. is living D. had lived 14. We _______________ him since he ______________ married. A. didn’t see/got C. haven’t seen/got B. don’t/get D. hadn’t seen/got 15. It _______________for two hours and the ground is too wet to play tennis. A. is raining B. had rained C. has rained D. was raining Exercise 9: Find and correct the mistakes. 1 .The flight to Vientiane have departed. 2. She hasn’t finish the letter. 3. I forget that girl’s name already. 4. Fred’s brother just graduates from university. 5. I am trying to learn English for years. 6. I have been waiting for two hours, but she not come yet. 7. She reads all the works of Dickens. How many have you read? 8. I wait here nearly half an hour for my gir-friend Joana; do you think she forgets to come? 9. Mary rests in the garden all day because she is ill. 10. Although john has been studying at the university for five years he have not got his degree yet. Exercise 10: Find and correct the mistakes. 1. Jack is going to Switzerland for a holiday; I never am there. 2. We have lived for the last five months, and just decide to move. 3. You already drink 3 cups of tea since I sat here. 4. That book has lied on the table for weeks. Do you read it yet? 5. Are you asleep all the morning? I ring the bell for the last 5 minutes. 6. She works so hard this week that she has not had time to go out. 7. He has been writing a novel for the last two months. But she doesn’t finish yet. 8. My watch has gone for three days and it does not run down yet. 9. He lost his book. He has been looking for it all the morning, but it does not turn up yet. 10. He has not been here since Christmas. I wonder where he lives sine then.Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662 25 IV. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS (HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH TIẾP DIỄN) Exercise 1: Put the verbs in the present perfect or the present perfect continuous tense. 1. I (try) __________ to learn French for years, but I (not succeed) __________ yet. 2. She (read) _________ all the works of Dickens. How many (you read) _________ ? 3. I (wait) __________ here nearly half an hour for my girlfriend; do you think she (forget) __________ to come? 4. Mary (rest) __________ in the garden all day because she (be) __________ ill. 5. Although John (study) __________ at the University for 5 years, he (not get) __________ his degree yet. 6. Jack (go) __________ to Switzerland for a holiday. He (never, be) __________ there. 7. We (live) __________ here for the last six months, and (just, decide) __________ to move. 8. That book ( lie) __________on the table for weeks. You (not read) _________ it yet ? 9. He (not be) _______ here since Christmas; I wonder where he (live) ________ since then. 10. He (lose) ___________ his books. He (look) ____________ for them all afternoon, but they (not turn up) ___________ yet. 11. She (work) ____________ so hard this week that she (not have) ____________ time to go to the cinema. 12. Your hair is wet. (You swim) __________ for a long time ? 13. Bill is still a bad driver although he (drive)__________ cars for six years. 14. You look very tired. (You work) __________very hard ? 15. The phone (ring) __________ for 2 minutes, but I (not answer) __________ it yet. Exercise 2: Choose the best answer. 1. We ____ him since he ____ married. A. didn’t see/got B. haven’t seen/got C. don’t/get D. hadn’t seen/got 2. I ____ the money yet. A. A. not recieved B. didn’t recieve C. haven’t recieved D. hadn’t recieved 3. Today is Thursday and she ____ late twice this week. She ____ late yesterday and on Monday. A. is/was B. has been/is C. has been/was D. has been/had been 4. We ____ what to do with the money yet. A. not decide B. didn’t decide C. haven’t decided D. hadn’t decided 5. My father ____ as a teacher for almost thirty years. A. works B. is working C. worked D. has been working 6. He ____ to New York at least three times this year. A. had been going B. was going C. has been going D. is going 7. They ____ to know each other for more than ten years. A. get B. got C. have got D. had got 8. She dishes already. A. was washing B. washed C. has washed D. has been washing 9. I you for ages. A. haven’t been meeting B. didn’t meet C. Wasn’t meeting D. haven’t met 10. Tom is still watching television. He television all day A. Has been watching B. Was watching C. Has watched D. watched 11. I'm very hungry. I_________ all day.Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662 26 A. didn't eat B. haven’t ate C. haven’t eaten D. have been eating 12. Their new kitchen looks fantastic. They _____ completely _____ it. A. have /been redecorating B. have/redecorated C. already /redecorated D. didn’t/redecorated 13. Our kitchen’s a mess. We____________ any cleaning for weeks. A. didn't do B. haven’t been doing C. have done D. haven’t done 14. I think they are dating. They____________ a lot of each other recently. A. had seen B. haven’t been seeing C. have been seeing D. have seen 15. We've discovered in this great café and we_____________ there a lot. A. have been going B. have gone C. are going D. have went 16. How's your Mum? I _____________ her for ages. A. had seen B. haven’t seen C. haven't been seeing D. didn’t see 17. You're covered in paint! What __________ you __________? A. have /done B. were/doing C. did/do D. have/been doing 18. She’s gone to the doctor's. She ______________ too well lately. A. hasn't felt B. hasn’t been feeling C. has felt D. doesn’t feel 19. I____________ for ages now. A. have waited B. waited C. was waiting D. have been waiting 20. I have to write an essay. I__________ about half of it so far. A. have written B. have been writing C. Wrote D. have to write Exercise 3: Find and correct the mistakes. 1. How long has you been living here? 2. I has been living here for 2 years. 3. Have they working in this company since 1990? 4. She has been cried all day long. 5. I have waiting for my turn for 20 minutes. 6. She have been cleaning her house for 4 hours. 7. I'm tired because I worked very hard. 8. He has write his letter all the morning. 9. Jane is getting fatter because she has eating too much. 10. My mother has peeling potatoes all the morning. Exercise 4: Find and correct the mistakes. 1. How long have you been use the computer? 2. Charles have been living with Mike for years. 3. She has earning a lot of money for the last 2 years 4. Where are my glasses? I am looking for it for hours. 5. It rains for 6 hours. 6. Cathy attends a course of cooking since March. 7. Why are your hands so dirty? – I have been repaired my bike. 8. Sandy cooks dinner four times this week. 9. Who has eating my chocolate bar?Thầy Bùi Văn Vinh - ĐHSPHN - 0977.267.662 27 10. Oh, the kitchen is a mess. Who has been cooked? V. THE PAST SIMPLE TENSE (QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN) Exercise 1: Put the verb in the past simple tense. 1. He (be) only 34 years old when he died. 2. The police (stop) me on my way last night. 3. Mozart (write) more than 600 pieces of music. 4. My mother (not pick) up me the last afternoon. 5. I (go) to the cinema three times last week. 6. I was angry because they (be) late. 7. __ you (attend) the extra class last night? 8. Last year I (live) in London. 9. My best friend (go) to abroad five days ago. 10. The weather (be) good when we were on holiday. Exercise 2: Put the verb in the past simple tense. 1. __ you (go) out yesterday evening? 2. The film wasn’t good, I (not enjoy) it very much. 3. I (meet) Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago. 4. I (buy) that novel on Monday. 5. Liza (get) a good mark in the final exam. 6. Most students (take) no interest in the matter. 7. Newton (come) back to his study after eating his lunch. 8. The second war (finish) 40 years ago. 9. When I was young, I (want) to be a pilot. 10. I was frightened and I (start) to run. Exercise 3: Give the correct tense form of the verbs 1. He (be) in prison for twenty-seven years last year. 2. Yesterday, I (go) ______ to the restaurant with my ex-husband. 3. We (drive) ______ around the town for 50 minutes to find my dog. 4. When we (arrive) ______ at the restaurant, the place (be) ______ full. 5. The policeman (tell) ______ us to come back in two hours yesterday. 6. My aunt and I slowly (walk) ______ back to the house last night. 7. We (see) ______ a small grocery store three week ago. 8. We (stop) in the grocery store and (buy) ______ some bread last month. 9. I (not go) ______ to office last Monday. 10. she (get) ______ married a few months ago? Exercise 4: Give the correct tense form of the verbs 1. What you (do) last night? 2. I (love) him but no more now. 3. Yesterday, I (get) up at 6 and (have) breakfast at 6.30. 4. They (not agree) to the deal of that project. 5. They (be) in London from Monday to Thursday of last week.

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