Đề Thi Học Sinh Giỏi Tiếng Anh 8 (Năm học 2020-2021)

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Part 1: You will hear someone talking on the radio about a Language Study Fair. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space. (9pts)

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PHÒNG GD & ĐT BỐ TRẠCH ĐỀ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 8 NĂM HỌC 2020-2021MÔN: TIẾNG ANHThời gian: 150 phút ( không kể thời gian giao đề )(Đề có 05 trang) SECTION ONE: LISTENING Part 1: You will hear someone talking on the radio about a Language Study Fair. For eachquestion, fill in the missing information in the numbered space. (9pts)THE LANGUAGE STUDY FAIR Date: 17 th to 19 th (1) ...................... Place: National (2) ...................... Centre. Fair includes: * stands with textbooks. * (3) ............. by educational speakers. * exhibition of furniture. * demonstrations of latest computer (4) .................... Opening hours: 9.30 a.m.-5.00 p.m. Thursday and Friday. 9.30 a.m.-4.00 p.m. (5) ............... Tickers : £ (6) ........... or £3 for a (7) ............................. student. Tickets can be booked by ringing the hotline on (8) ........................ An all-day space for parking around the centre costs only £ 2.50 per (9) ......................Part 2: You will hear a conversation about a boy, Sam, and a girl, Carla, about a school concert.Decide if each sentence is Correct or Incorrect. (6pts)Sentences Correct Incorrect10. Carla is surprised that Mrs Ford wanted her to attend the meeting.11. Sam says that the programme for last year’s concert was much better.12. Carla enjoyed preparing for last year’s concert.13. Sam tells Carla that she is the best pianist in the school.14. Sam encourages Carla to accept Mrs Ford’s choice of music.15. Sam realises that he must stop doing one of his activities. SECTION TWO: PHONETICS Part 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (3pts)16. A. sh oo k B. f oo d C. sh oo t D. sp oo l17. A. d or mitory B. inf or mation C. or ganization D. f or ward18. A. t yphoon B. skep t ical C. t oaster D. posi t ionPart 2. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group. (2pts)19. A. decision B. encourage C. memory D. behavior20. A. satisfactory B. participation C. educational D. entertainmentSECTION THREE: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Part 1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, Cor D) that best completes each sentence (10pts)21. My mother was in the ………………… of feeding the pigeons in the morning.A. manner B. habit C. custom D. tradition122. He had spent…………. time writing an essay on his childhood.A. a few               B. a large number of C. a great deal of D. many23. When the headmaster...................... the room, all the students stood up.A. came B. arrived C. appeared D. entered24. He was holding a tiny bird in the...........................of his hand.A. thumb B. hole C. shin D. palm25. In order to buy his house, he had to obtain a large ....................... from the bank.A. loan B. finance C. capital D. debt26. Everyone here has been to Sapa,... . ..................?A. haven’t they B. hasn’t he C. hasn’t they D. has he27. John has finally found a new job after being ..................... for three months. A. out of work B. out of mind C. out of order D. out of reach28. Lan: "Would you mind if I closed the door? It’s too cold outside" - Hoa: "............................." A. No, I don’t like B.No, never mind C. I’d rather youdidn’t. It’s stuffy D. Why not do it?29. The US president Barack Obama ................. an official visit to Vietnam in May 2016, which is of great significance to the comprehensive bilateral partnership. A. delivered B. paid C. offered D. gave30. It’s not worth ……… such a bad novel. A. reading B. to read C. having read D. to have readPart 2. Complete each sentence with appropriate form of the words in block capitals. (5pts)31. This form must have the ……………… of the writer. SIGN32. The conditions in the man’s prison were.......................... HUMAN33. Each year many people …..…......... take care of the old and the disabled. VOLUNTEER34. This type of behaviour is no longer ...................................... acceptable. SOCIETY35. ............................... of the new system will take several days. INSTALLPart 3. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the brackets (5pts)36. We can’t find our motorbike. You ( see ) ………….………….. it? 37. As soon as Mr John arrived at the airport, he realized that he ( leave ) ............ .. his passport at home .38. Sarah said that she ( work ) ....................... on a project of charity in Africa then . 39. She is looking forward to ( invite )................. to Linda’s birthday party next Sunday. 40. We (tell ) ....................... not to go out at night recently. Part 4. Fill an appropriate preposition in the blank: ( 5pts) 41. They were refused entrance...........................…. the exhibition.42. He graduated ……….............. New York with a degree in Psychology.43. We had an argument ………................. the waiter about the bill.44. He has a new solution .............................................. the problem.45. My sister is aware …….....................................…saving money.Part 5. Each sentence has a mistake. Find and correct it. ( 5pts)46. Preserving natural resources mean reserving them for our future . A B C D47. There has been   great   changes in the way people work in the last twenty years. A B C D248. Ha Noi, along with Ha Long and Hue, are among the most popular tourist destinations in Viet Nam. A B C D49. It’s high time the government spend more money on education. A B C D50. He gave me some very valuable advices on buying a new house. A B C DSECTION FOUR: READING COMPREHENSIONPart 1: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE wordin each space. (10 pts) The pace of modern life is very fast, and most people have busy and demanding lives. So eating abalanced (51)………….and doing physical activity can make a big difference to overall health. Regularphysical activity is good (52) ………….… your whole body, from your brain to your bones. Yet manypeople do not get (53)…………. exercise. The good news is that (54) …………. is easier than you maythink to fit physical activity (55)………….…your day because you can do it at (56)…………. time andalmost anywhere. No matter (57)……… your age and stage of life there are plenty of ways to takeexercise. Your feet were made for walking, so use them (58) ………….… you get the chance. Walkaround town. Ignore lifts and escalators and build up your leg muscles by climbing stairs. Next, get outand play. Kicking a ball is fun and it is also a great way to spend (59)………….… together with a family.Finally, try doing two things at once! While you talk on the phone or watch television, lift weights or (60)………….……… household chores.Part 2: Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct wordfor each of the blanks. (10 pts) Speech is one of the most important   (61)....................... of communicating. It consists of far morethan just making noises. To talk and also to   (62)........................ by other people, we have to speak alanguage, that is, we have to use combinations of   (63) ...................... that everyone agrees stand for aparticular object or idea. Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own language.Learning a language properly is very   (64) ..................... The basic   (65) ...................... of English is notvery large, and only about 2000 words are needed to speak it quite   (66) ..................... But the more wordsyou know, the more ideas you can   (67) ...................... and the more precise you can be about their exactmeaning. Words are the   (68)....................... thing we use in communicating what we want to say. Theway we   (69)........................ the words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express manyemotions and   (70)...................... whether we are pleased of angry, for instance.61. A. ways B. reasons C. rules D. tests62. A. be examined B. be talk ed C. be understood D. be spoken63. A. sounds B. languages C. systems D. talks64. A. important B. expensive C. simple D. easy65. A. word B. vocabulary C. grammar D. structure66. A. good B. fluent C. well D. perfect67. A. grow B. need C. pass D. express68. A. most B. main C. certain D. full69 A send B. talk C. say D. pass70. A. asks B. understands C. knows D. shows 3Part 3: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). (5 pts)What is ‘extreme’ weather? Why are people talking about it these days? ‘Extreme’ weather isan unusual weather event such as rainfall, a drought or a heat wave in the wrong place or at thewrong time. In theory, they are very rare. But these days, our TV screens are constantly showingsuch extreme weather events. Take just three news stories from 2010: 28 centimetres of rain fell onRiode Janeiro in 24 hours, Nashville, USA, had 33 centimetres of rain in two days and there wasrecord rainfall in Pakistan.The effects of this kind of rainfall are dramatic and lethal. In Rio de Janeiro, landslidesfollowed, burying hundreds of people. In Pakistan, the floods affected 20 million people. Meanwhile,other parts of the world suffer devastating droughts. Australia, Russia and East Africa have been hitin the last ten years. And then there are unexpected heat waves, such as in 2003 in Europe. Thatsummer, 35.000 deaths were said to be heat-related.So, what is happening to our weather? Are these extreme events part of a natural cycle? Orare they caused by human activity and its effects on the Earth’s climate? Peter Miller says it’sprobably a mixture of both of these things. On the one hand, the most important influences onweather events are natural cycles in the climate. Two of the most famous weather cycles, El Niño andLa Niña, originate in the Pacific Ocean. The heat from the warm ocean rises high into the atmosphereand affects weather all around the world. On the other hand, the temperature of the Earth’s oceans isslowly but steadily going up. And this is a result of human activity. We are producing greenhousegases that trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. This heat warms up the atmosphere, land and oceans.Warmer oceans produce more water vapor - think of heating a pan of water in your kitchen. Turn upthe heat, it produces steam more quickly. Satellite data tells US that the water vapor in theatmosphere has gone up by four percent in 25 years. This warm, wet air turns into the rain, storms,hurricanes and typhoons that we are increasingly experiencing. Climate scientist, MichaelOppenheimer, says that we need to face the reality of climate change. And we also need to act now tosave lives and money in the future.71. It is stated in the passage that extreme weather is .........................A. becoming more common B. not a natural occurrenceC. difficult for scientists to understand D. killing more people than ever before 72. Which of these things is the basis of normal weather patterns?A. greenhouse gases B. human activity C. El Niño and La Niña D. water vapour73. What caused thousands of deaths in 2003?A. a period of hot weather B. floods after a bad summerC. a long spell of heavy rain D. large-scale landslides74. According to the passage, extreme weather is a problem because ...............................A.we can never predict it B. it only affects crowded placesC. it’s often very destructive D. its causes are completely unknown75. Which statement is NOT supported by the information in the passage?A. Extreme weather is substantially influenced by human activity.B. Unusual weather events are part of natural cycles.C. We can limit the bad effects of extreme weather.D. Such extreme weather is hardly the consequence of human activity.4SECTION FIVE: WRITINGPart 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible inmeaning to the sentence printed before it. (10 pts)76. In my opinion that you should take more exercise . → If I ................................................................................................................................... 77. “Do you know how to use this cell phone?” Thomas asked me. → Thomas asked me ………………………………………………...................................78. It is thought that the prisoner was recaptured while drinking in a pub. →The prisoner ………………………………………………………………................…..79. They employed the workers to repair their house. → They had ……..………………………………………………………………………....80. In spite of not speaking Vietnamese, Mr. Anderson decided to settle in Ha Noi. → Although ……………………………………………………………………..................81. “Why don't we go picnicking next weekend?"→Andy suggested that................................................................................................................. 82. “I am sorry that I broke the glass” said Jim. → Jim apologised …………………………………………...................................................83. It was a mistake of mine to park outside the police station. → I shouldn’t ........................... ........................ ....................................................................... 84. Driving on the left is strange and difficult for Americans. → Americans aren't ...................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ................... 85. The patient recovered more quickly than expected. → The patient made ....................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ..................Part 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sen tence, usingthe word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between TWO AND FIVE words,including the word given. (5 pts)86. Hoa regrets not going to the airport to say goodbye to her friend. WISHES→ Hoa ................................... the airport to say goodbye to her friend.87. Bell spends all his time doing research. DEVOTED→ Bell has ..................................................................... doing research.88. I do not intend to tell you my plans. OF→ I have ....................................................................... you my plans.89. A heavy fall of snow prevented them from getting home that night. ABLE→ They .......................... home that night because of a heavy fall of snow.90. Three hundred students entered the swimming competition last year. PART→ Three hundred students ................ the swimming competition last year. Part 3: Essay writing (10 pts) In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details. You should write about 180 words.THE ENDLưu ý: - Học sinh làm bài vào tờ giấy thi. - Học sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu, kể cả từ điển. - Học sinh nộp lại đề sau khi hết giờ làm bài. 5

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