Tổng hợp 100 câu trắc nghiệm giới từ kèm đáp án

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Tổng hợp 100 trắc nghiệm giới từ kèm đáp án. Bài tập tiếng anh, trắc nghiệm giới từ. Tổng hợp 100 câu trắc nghiệm giới từ tiếng anh

Nội dung

100 CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM GIỚI TỪCÓ ĐÁP ÁN1.) Elizabeth is fond .......... going to dances.a.) inb.) ofc.) withd.) at2.) That is last year's telephone directory. It's .......... date now.a.) intob.) out ofc.) besidesd.) out3.) He was put .......... prison.a.) tob.) fromc.) intod.) at4.) We rejoice .......... her success.a.) inb.) atc.) overd.) all are correct5.) I saw him .......... noon.a.)forb.) withc.) againstd.) at6.) She treated me .......... Cake, ice-cream and tea.a.) withb.) forc.) tod.) by7.) The picture is .......... the walla.) aboveb.) atc.) overd.) on8.) She likes to go .......... a picnic.a.) forb.) onc.) for and on are correctd.) by9.) William is .......... meanness.a.) againstb.) abovec.) towardsd.) according to10.) I work hard .......... help my family.a.) so as tob.) in order toc.) in order thatd.) so as to and in order to are correct11.) She burst .......... tears.a.) out ofb.) intoc.) ford.) in12.) .......... mistake, I took the wrong book from my desk this morning.a.) Throughb.) Byc.) Withd.) In13.) They chose him .......... their leader.a.) withb.) forc.) byd.) into14.) I want you to arrange these .......... order by putting the largest first then the next, and so on…a.) onb.) out ofc.) ind.) from15.) She smiled .......... him.a.) atb.) withc.) tod.) about16.) Your work is .......... the average.a.) underb.) beneathc.) downd.) below17.) I shall be ready.......... a moment.a.) forb.) inc.) withd.) on18.) Aren't you glad that you went to the party with us .......... all?a.) inb.) afterc.) aboved.) with19.) We can't get everything we want fromlife; we must just make the best .......... it.a.) withb.) ofc.) ford.) by20.) Go and get me acarton .......... cigarettes.a.) withb.) ofc.) out ofd.) no preposition needed21.) He is negligent .......... his duties.a.) withb.) toc.) ford.) of22.) Long skirts are .......... again.a.) forb.) inc.) intod.) through23.) The car went .......... full speed.a.) withb.) forc.) tod.) at24.) He was .......... himself with rage.a.) againstb.) forc.) besided.) with25.) Gas is made .......... coal.a.) ofb.) fromc.) withd.) to26.) He suffers .......... headaches.a.) fromb.) withc.) ind.) by27.) Who .......... Richard would have said such a thing?a.) butb.) byc.) withd.) in addition of28.) He was .......... himself with joy.a.) tob.) besidec.) ind.) of29.) His ideas are all .......... the times.a.) likeb.) behindc.) butd.) except30.) I shall wait .......... you.a.) aboutb.) byc.) tod.) for31.) What do you think .......... this sonataof Beethoven?a.) ofb.) toc.) withd.) from32.) If you earn a good salary, you can be independent .......... your parents.a.) forb.) toc.) ofd.) by33.) Ottawa is .......... Canada.a.)withb.) onc.) tod.) in34.) A bird .......... the hand is worth two .......... the bush.a.) on-onb.) on-inc.) in-ind.) in-on35.) There are many others .......... me who disagree on what you say.a.)withb.) besidesc.) tod.) as36.) When were you released .......... prison?a.) atb.) intoc.) fromd.) out of37.) Who is not for me is .......... me.a.) towardsb.) againstc.) withd.) along38.) There's nothing .......... exercises for making you warm.a.) likeb.) inc.) ford.) about39.) I have not done my exercise .......... now.a.) tillb.) sincec.) ford.) at40.) These facts may be familiar .......... you.a.) withb.) aboutc.) tod.) into41.) .......... the most part, his explanations are quite easy to understand.a.) Forb.) Throughc.) Withd.) Toward42.) He put the book .......... the take and sat down .......... a chair.a.) on-inb.) on-withc.) on-ond.) on-into43.) He walked .......... the room .......... which we were sitting.a.) in-inb.) in-forc.) into-ind.) into-from44.) The doctor cured me .......... my illness.a.) forb.) ofc.)withd.) at45.) What do you know .......... him?a.) tob.) aboutc.) withd.) for46.) .......... all my care, it was broken.a.) Beforeb.) Afterc.) Tod.) With47.) Life is just one trouble .......... another.a.) tob.) forc.) afterd.) against48.) Did Mr. Kennedy park his car .......... front .......... our house?a.) at-ofb.) in-toc.) with-tod.) in-of49.) Did they ask .......... me?a.) atb.) toc.) befored.) after50.) An accident has happened .......... that family.a.) tob.) withc.) againstd.) for51.) It looks better .......... a distance.a.) tob.) forc.) atd.) but52.) She was engaged .......... him for ten months before they got married.a.) tob.) withc.) ford.) by53.) What did Mr. Brown die ..........?a.) withb.) byc.) ind.) of54.) She took me .......... my brother.a.) byb.) forc.) tod.) with55.) It is .......... three o'clock; it is nearly a quarter past three.a.) aboutb.) atc.) pastd.) around56.) She gave some advice .......... her brother.a.) tob.) forc.) withd.) all are correct57.) He was brought .......... the judge.a.) tob.) withc.) befored.) for58.) The government must care .......... the families of invalid soldiers.a.) aboutb.) forc.) tod.) at59.) They like to sit .......... the fire.a.) byb.) onc.) ford.) with60.) I cannot do it .......... you.a.) asb.) likec.) byd.) through61.) .......... one enemy he has 50 friends.a.) Withb.) Toc.) Ford.)Through62.) Mary married a wealthy man. She got married .......... him last June.a.) byb.) forc.) aboutd.) to63.) There were .......... 100 people at the meeting.a.) upb.) onc.) upond.) above64.) William is big .......... his age.a.) withb.) forc.) byd.) through65.) The god jumped .......... the table.a.) throughb.) overc.) out ofd.) past66.) He didn't dare to say it .......... my face.a.) onb.) withc.) ind.) to67.) .......... general, that is true. However, there are many exceptions.a.) Onb.) Inc.) Byd.) Through68.) Can you recommend me a good book .......... life in the sixteenth century?a.) ofb.) aboutc.) ind.) from69.) He is a friend .......... mine.a.) withb.) inc.) ofd.) to70.) He is a man .......... action.a.) ofb.) withc.) ford.) about71.) The dog ran .......... the house.a.) intob.) inc.) ford.) across72.) She was offended .......... my remark at the meeting yesterday.a.) atb.) byc.) withd.) at and by are correct73.) That car costs .......... $2,000.a.) forb.) abovec.) atd.) all are correct74.) He is looking .......... his glasses.a.) afterb.) forc.) intod.) by75.) He read that .......... a book.a.) atb.) fromc.) tod.) in76.) Someone left a box in the garden and I fell .......... it in the dark.a.) intob.) byc.) offd.) over77.) Let's drink .......... his success.a.) inb.) toc.) intod.)for78.) Shut the door .......... you.a.) forb.) afterc.) withd.) into79.) He turned his back .......... her.a.) besideb.) next toc.) byd.) on80.) He is a man.......... his forties.a.) onb.) aboutc.) tod.) in81.) He is .......... royal blood.a.) forb.) inc.) ofd.) with82.) I don't think that I'm acquainted .......... hima.) withb.) toc.) byd.) for83.) Professor Moore called my attention .......... that particular mistake.a.) aboutb.) withc.) byd.) to84.) Share these sweets .......... the five children and see that each one gets afair sharea.) tob.) betweenc.) ford.) among85.) I'll try to pay you the money the week .......... next.a.) beforeb.) forc.) afterd.) no preposition needed86.) Bien Hoa is secured .......... floods.a.) byb.) toc.) fromd.) for87.) She saw a butterfly .......... the window.a.) acrossb.) inc.) intod.) through88.) They live .......... rice.a.) withb.) onc.) byd.) for89.) Stand .......... front of me you will see better; there will be nothing .......... the way of yourview.a.) at-inb.) in-ofc.) in-ind.) in-at90.) He aimed .......... the tiger.a.) forb.) atc.) withd.) to91.) In boxing it is a foul to hit .......... the belt.a.) aboveb.) overc.) belowd.) down92.) You must settle the matter .......... yourselves.a.) withb.) inc.) intod.) among93.) He spoke .......... a whisper.a.) inb.) intoc.) liked.) with94.) He was ill .......... fever.a.) tob.) inc.) withd.) for95.) I came on Monday at ten o'clock .......... the morning.a.) fromb.) inc.) atd.) for96.) I took him .......... the hand.a.) withb.) atc.) byd.) to97.) Hemade himself pleasant .......... visitors.a.) withb.) byc.) tod.) for98.) He stayed home .......... the rain.a.) becauseb.) because ofc.) ford.) against99.) I really respect that man .......... his honesty.a.) byb.) aboutc.) withd.) for100.) There is not much correspondence .......... his ideal andmine.a.) inb.) amongc.) betweend.) atĐÁP ÁN

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